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背包客最爱五大中国景点 你去过几个?

时间:2024-07-19 22:28:32 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:随着中国经济的发展和开放程度的不断提高,今天的中国独立旅游者FIT(free individual travelers)正在逐渐显露出自己勇敢达观的精神。随着中国旅游业的蓬勃发展,自助旅游、修学...

随着中国经济的发展和开放程度的不断提高,今天的中国独立旅游者FIT(free individual travelers)正在逐渐显露出自己勇敢达观的精神。随着中国旅游业的蓬勃发展,自助旅游、修学旅游、家庭旅游将逐渐成为旅游市场最重要部分。今天,小编要向大家推荐几处国外的背包客(backpackers)和国内的“驴友们”(tour pals)都钟情的旅游景点,排名不分先后哦!

张家界风景区 Zhangjiajie Scenic Spot

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is the first authorized national forest park in China. The area covers 480 thousand square meters. This park, together with Suoxiyu Natural Resource Reserve and Tianzishan Natural Resource Reserve makes up the Wulingyuan Scenic Area, also known as Zhangjiajie Scenic Spot.

Zhangjiajie National Forest Park has been described differently, such as, majestic, eccentric, tranquil, delicate and wild. The park features grotesque peaks, lucid brooks, abundant fauna and flora and hospitable climate. Golden Whip Brook, touted as one of the world’s most beautiful valleys is always the most favorite part of many backpackers. Clear water bubbled up from among the rocks, winding from west to east. Magical!

经国务院批准的第一个国家级森林公园,张家界国家森林公园和索溪峪风景区、天子山风景区三大景区构成的武陵源自然风景区被联合国教科文组织列入《世界自然遗产名录》, 张家界以其独特的旅游特色、地形地貌、奇花异草吸引了无数向往自然美景的游客。张家界的金香柚超赞的!

敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes

25 km from downtown Dunhuang on the eastern slope of Mingsha Shan (Mount Echoing Sand), Mogao Grottoes is a shrine of Buddhist art treasures and have attracted many travelers who have great interest in Buddhism and Chinese history and culture. By the way, Mogao means high up in the desert.

Viewed from afar, the over 750 Mogao Grottoes of different sizes are scattered along a 1,700-meter cliff, just like a gigantic and majestic integral structure. It is a great pity that some caves are closed for preservation. Inside the caves, the colourful murals, excellent sculptures are truly enormous and fabulous. In layout and colour combination, the murals are in perfect harmony with the painted sculptures so that in a cave shrine tourists find one whole piece of well-integrated art.

莫高窟位于中国甘肃省敦煌市东南25公里处的鸣沙山东麓断崖上,洞窟分布高低错落、鳞次栉比,共有五层,分为两区,内有无数壁画和塑像以及无数莲花柱石、铺地花砖等。莫高窟又被称为“千佛洞”。莫高窟的壁画从布局至色调都注意跟彩塑浑然一体, 形成洞窟艺术的整体美,不愧是一份巨大的古典艺术遗产。莫高窟不远处的月牙泉一直以来都是很多摄影爱好者绝对不会错过的题材哦!

纳木错 Namtso Lake

Namtso Lake is selected as one of the five most beautiful lakes in China by Chinese National Geography magazine. This holy body of water, located 15,475 feet above sea level and covering more than 730 square miles, is the highest saltwater lake in the world.

Namtso Lake's touching beauty never fails to attract any traveler who visits Tibet. Bright sky, white clouds and clear water contributes to a picturesque scene, like a fairyland. In Tibetan, Namtso means Heavenly Lake or Holy Lake. Looking at the faraway mountains and nearby water, backpackers only hope that time could stand still at that moment.


蜈支洲岛 Wuzhizhou Island

Lies within easy reach of Sanya,Wuzhizhou Island is China's best waters for scuba and snorkeling. Ringed by beaches and coral reef in Haitang Bay, just 2.7 km offshore and about 30 km from downtown Sanya and the airport, the irregularly butterfly shaped island is home to a handful of attractions and scenic spots, stunning beaches, and Hainan's most pleasant resorts.

Divers will appreciate the clear seas, especially off the southern end of the island, where coral reefs host a colorful range of tropical sea life. As well as Goddess Matsu Temple, there are many places of interest to visit including the Lover's Bridge, Sunrise Rock, Gold Turtle Stretching toward the Sea, Lover's Island and the Life Well. The Sunrise Rock is the ideal spot from which to observe the sunrise.

蜈支洲岛呈不规则蝴蝶状, 三面漫山叠翠,几千种原生植物郁郁葱葱,不但有高大挺拔的乔木,也有繁茂葳蕤的灌木, 其中还有从恐龙时代流传下来的奇异花木。岛上热带植物景观随处可见。 四周海域清澈透明,海水能见度高,水域中盛产多种热带鱼,南部水域海底有着保护很好的珊瑚礁,五彩斑斓,形态奇异。这里是海上娱乐特别是潜水观光的首选之地。

凯里 Kaili

Lying in the southeastern area of Guizhou Province, Kaili City is a living quarter of the Miao ethnic minority. So it is a nice place to learn about the culture and life of the Miao people. However, as a tourist destination, Kaili also boasts its natural landscapes, karst landform and the ancient architecture.

It is a city integrated the ancient culture with modern civilization, showing a kind of chic and elegant, noble and refined atmosphere of extraordinary. The costumes Miao people wearing are highly colorful and intricate. The women wear jackets and trousers, with sleeves, collars and trouser cuffs colorfully trimmed. Silver ornaments are beautifully designed, of superb workmanship and unique in style, best as tourist souvenirs for friends.

凯里市位于贵州东部, 是黔东南苗族侗族自治州首府。市内有苗、汉、侗等民族。凯里设治已有500年历史,早在明清时期曾有“小京州”美称。几百年来,生活在凯里这块土地上的各族人民用自己的智慧和勤劳,创造了辉煌灿烂的民族文化。除了格调古朴、风貌独特的民族风情和文物古迹外,许多独特的溶洞等自然景观吸引着越来越多的国内外游客。凯里每年都会举行各种大小民族节日集会,有“百节之乡”之称。






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