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时间:2024-07-19 21:35:04 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:


Discover Which Type Of English Learner You Are弄清自己是哪种类型的英语学习者

When learning how to speak English you first need to find out what type of English learner you are. Ask yourself questions such as Why do I want to speak English? Do I need to speak English for my job? Do I want to speak English for travel and hobbies, or do I have something more serious in mind?


Understand Your Goals明确你的目标

Once you know what type of English learner you are, you can begin to better understand your goals. Once you know your goals, you’ll better understand what you need to do to speak English well. This is similar to understanding what type learner you are. Write down a list of the things you would like to do with your English.


Would you like to speak English fluently in two years? Would you like to have enough English to travel and order food in a restaurant? Understanding exactly what you want to do with English will help you learn how to speak English because you will work towards your goals.


Find Out Your Level认清自己的水平

Before you begin to learn how to speak English, you’ll need to know where to begin.Taking a level test can help you understand what level you are at and then you can start using resources appropriate for your level in order to learn how to speak English well. Of course, you’ll not only learn how to speak English, but also how to read, write and use English in a variety of settings. These quizzes will help you find your level. Start with the beginning level test and then move on. Stop when you get less than 60% and begin at that level.

在学英语之前,你应该了解从哪里开始着手。 做一个水平测试可以帮助你知道自己的水平,然后你就可以使用适合自己的资源学习更好地学习英语。当然,你不仅仅要学如何说英语,你还要学习在不同场合下阅读、写作和使用英语。这些测试可以帮助你认清自己的水平。从初级测试开始,一步步递进,直到得分低于总分的60%,你就可以从该阶段学起。

Decide On Learning Strategy确定学习策略

Now that you understand your English learning goals, style and level it’s time to decide on an English learning strategy. The simple answer to the question of how to speak English is that you need to speak it as often as possible. Of course, it’s more difficult than that. Start off by deciding which type of learning strategy you will take. Do you want to study alone? Do you want to take a class? How much time do you have to dedicate to English study? How much are you willing to pay to learn to speak English? Answer these questions and you will understand your strategy.


Put Together A Plan For LearningGrammar为学习语法制定计划

If you want to know how to speak English, you’ll also have to know how to use English grammar. Here are my five top tips on how to speak English with good grammar.


Learn grammar from context. Do exercises that have you identify tenses and from within a short reading or listening selection.


When learning how to speak English you need to use your muscles. Read your grammar exercises aloud which will help you learn to use correct grammar when speaking.


Don’t do too much grammar! Understanding grammar doesn’t mean you speak. Balance grammar with other English learning tasks.


Do ten minutes of grammar each day. It’s better to only do a little every day than a lot once a week.


Put Together A Plan For Learning Speaking Skills为学习口语制定计划

If you want to know how to speak English, you’ll have to have a plan for speaking English every day.


Here are my top five tips to make sure you speak - not just study - English every day.


Do all exercises using your voice. Grammar exercises, reading exercises, everything should be read aloud.


Speak to yourself. Don’t worry about someone hearing you. Speak out loud in English to yourself often.


Choose a topic each day and speak for one minute about that topic.


Use online exercises and speak in English using Skype or other programs.


Make lots of mistakes! Don’t worry about mistakes, make many and make them often.


Put Together A Plan For Learning Vocabulary为学习词汇制定计划

To make sure you know how to speak English about a wide range of topics you’ll need plenty of vocabulary. Here are some suggestions and resources to get you started.


Make vocabulary trees.

Vocabulary trees and other fun exercises can help you group vocabulary together for faster learning.


Keep track of new vocabulary you’ve learned in a folder.


Use visual dictionaries to help you learn more vocabulary faster.


Choose to learn vocabulary about subjects you like. There’s no need to study vocabulary that doesn’t interest you.


Study a little bit of vocabulary every day. Try to learn just two or three new words / expressions every day.






除了thank you,还有8种表示感激的表达

在英文表达中,我们常会用到“thank you"或者”thanks"去表达自己对别人的谢意。那么,我们还能想到其他的英文表达方式吗?



新概念英语第一册Lesson 1 Excuse me




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