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首页 教育 Quora精选:最令人难以接受的事实有哪些?


时间:2024-07-19 21:25:00 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:What is the hardest truth?最令人难以接受的真相有哪些?Owais Raza:1,No one actually cares about you the way that you think they do. It is human nature to be more sel...

What is the hardest truth?最令人难以接受的真相有哪些?

Owais Raza:

1,No one actually cares about you the way that you think they do. It is human nature to be more self-involved and worried about oneself rather than others.1、事实上人们并不像你想象中的那般关心你。以自我为中心,自扫门前雪是人类的天性。

2,Money doesn’t buy happiness, only financial freedom. It is a harsh truth that people only realize once they gain some type of wealth. It is the same reason that many very wealthy individuals decide that they do not want to live anymore.2、钱不能买到幸福,它只能让你实现财务自由。而人们只有在获得某种财富之后才会意识到这个残酷的现实。许多富人选择结束自己的生命也是出于相同原因。

3,We will all die one day. Sadly, no matter what you do or accomplish in this world, death is unpreventable and we will all have to face it one day. The only real hope is to do something that creates an everlasting impact and legacy in this world, so you can be remembered even after you are gone.3、我们终有一天会死去。令人悲伤的是,不论你曾经做过什么或是获得过何种成就,死亡都是不可避免的,我们总有一天要面对它。最实际的想法应该是在有限的生命中做一些对世界影响无限的事情,这样你才可以在死后依旧被人们铭记。

Sean Rothstein:


That one takes 99% of reality at the word of other people without actually knowing whether or not the information is correct, then uses that information to construct the entire value system one lives by.人们在不知道信息是否正确的情况下,将别人说的话当做事实,并以这些信息为基础构建自己的价值观。


That as a species we don’t have many generations left before the Earth will be unable to support us and we have used up the resources that could have gotten a “seed” of our species to another planet to continue our existence.作为一个物种,我们在这个星球上生活的时间已经所剩无几,有些资源可以供我们在其他星球上繁衍生息,然而我们却已经将它们用尽。

In both of these cases the truth is so difficult to deal with the ramifications of its being that one almost reflexively discounts them or nods and then continues as if nothing was said.上述两例都揭示了残酷的现实,然而这些事实的后果太过沉重,人们无力解决,所以在听到这些事实时,他们要么出于本能地表示忽视要么条件反射地表示赞同,之后又像什么都没听到一样。

Chris Torgersen:

For me, the hardest truth to swallow is that justice is rarely achieved. A horrible lying swindler can reach great heights of success without ever being held accountable for any wrongdoings, while a person who is giving, caring, and genuinely nice can end up with nothing but pain and misery.对于我来说,最残酷的是,公平公正在现实社会很难得到伸张。一个骗子,撒下弥天大谎,可以不付出任何代价获得成功,而一个好人,乐于助人,乐于奉献,却可能饱受苦难,最终一事无成。

People want to believe that things balance out, that those who cause hurt and pain are punished while those who live virtuous lives are rewarded.Many religious systems are built around this idea. But really, people get away with terrible things much of the time, and good deeds are usually unrewarded.人们总愿意相信事物总是相互平衡的,恶人总会受到惩罚而好人总会得到回报。许多宗教体系也是基于这个观念建立的。然而,现实中坏人总能逃之夭夭,善举通常没有回报。

This is a symptom of a larger truth: most of reality is noise. We look for and find general patterns in the noise, but the complexity of reality is such that most of what happens is essentially random and out of anyone’s control. The reason for any given event is never simple, and while we can maybe influence things, we don’t really control them.这就揭示出了一个更大的真理:大部分的现实都如同噪音。我们要在这种噪音内寻找通用的模式,然而现实是如此复杂,大部分的事件基本上都是随机发生的,不受任何人控制。事出皆有因,而这些原因从来都不简单,尽管我们可能会影响一些事物,然而却不能控制它们。






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