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首页 教育 罗密欧与朱丽叶的偷吻当选为英国最浪漫的艺术品双语


时间:2024-07-19 21:24:51 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:It has been said that romance is dead in the modern age – but our hearts are still hankering for it, it seems.有人说现代早已没有真正的浪漫,但我们似乎依然拥有一...

It has been said that romance is dead in the modern age – but our hearts are still hankering for it, it seems.有人说现代早已没有真正的浪漫,但我们似乎依然拥有一颗追求浪漫的心。

This painting of a stolen kiss between the most famous star-crossed lovers of them all has been voted the most romantic artwork in Britain.日前属于罗密欧与朱丽叶这对最著名的苦命鸳鸯间偷吻被英国民众投票选举成为最浪漫的艺术品。

Experts say that Romeo and Juliet, painted in oil by Frank Bernard Dicksee in 1884, remains popular because we all still crave ‘passion and faithfulness’.专家称这幅由Frank Bernard Dicksee于1884年完成的油画之所以一直深受欢迎的原因在于大家仍然对激情和忠诚充满着渴望。

It shows the Shakespearean couple sharing a kiss after their wedding night, not realising it is to be their last.莎翁笔下的这对眷侣在新婚之夜的那一吻,没料到成为了生死离别之吻。

Art critic Godfrey Barker said: ‘It creates the impression death is close but love will never die. Romance is a dream that still lives in the hearts of millions.’艺术评论家Godfrey Barker说:虽然这对眷侣与世长辞但他们的爱情将会永存于世。浪漫是一场美梦而且是成千上万的人依然所渴望拥有的。

The painting, at Southampton City Art Gallery, received 71 per cent of votes in the Art Fund survey to mark Valentine’s Day.据悉在由艺术基金会在情人节到来之际发起的调查活动中,这幅收藏于南安普顿市美术馆的画作得到了71%的选票,无疑当选成为最浪漫的艺术品。







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