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首页 教育 2022年6月英语四级翻译考前预测10篇上


时间:2024-07-19 21:19:37 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:





Storytelling is a kind of traditional Chinese performance in the form of oral speaking and oral literature created by Chinese working people. It became popular in the Song Dynasty. Generally, its stories are adapted from historic events, famous novels and so on. Besides telling stories, the storyteller may also comment on the characters in the story and distinguish right from wrong. The popularity of radio and TV, especially the development of electronic media provides a great living space for storytelling. Storytelling is a convenient form of entertainment and it brings much relaxation and a lot of fun into our life.



In the long history of Chinese feudal society, the emperors, as the holders of supreme power, built palaces and other structures for themselves which the populace might aspire to but could never attain. The construction represents the essence of the architectural techniques at that time. Historical records describe the Epang Palace of the Qin Dynasty, the Weiyang Palace of the Han Dynasty and the Daming Palace of the Tang Dynasty as huge complexes with broad courtyards and magnificent halls. The only imperial palaces extant nowadays are the Forbidden City in Beijing and the Imperial Palace in Shenyang, which were built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. They represent the best technical and artistic achievements of ancient imperial construction.


塔克拉玛干沙漠(the Taklamakan Desert)是中国最大的沙漠,面积约为33万平方千米。“塔克拉玛干”在维吾尔语(Uyghur language)里的意思是“走得进,出不来”,因此塔克拉玛干沙漠也被称为“死亡之海”。这里沙丘(sand dune)遍布,受狂风影响,沙丘时常移动。据统计,这些沙丘每年大约移动150米,严重影响了当地居民的生存。在过去的几十年里,当地政府一直致力于植树造林,以减少沙尘暴的发生。

The Taklamakan Desert is the largest desert in China and covers an area of about 330 000 square kilometers. In Uyghur language, “Taklamakan” means “you can go in, but you never come out”, so the desert is also called “the Sea of Death”. Sand dunes spread all over the Taklamakan Desert. Affected by the fierce wind, these sand dunes are always moving. Statistics suggest that each year they move about 150 meters, which seriously threatens the survival of the local populace. In the past decades, the local government has been making great efforts to plant trees to reduce the occurrence of sandstorms.


故宫(the Imperial Palace),也称紫禁城,位于北京市中心,占地面积达72万平方米,是中国也是世界现存规模最大、最完整的古代皇家建筑群(complex)。故宫于1406年动工兴建,耗时14年建成,距今已有590多年的历史。明清两代共有24位皇帝曾在这里生活居住。故宫建筑群极好地体现了中国古代建筑艺术的特点和风格,是中国乃至世界建筑史上当之无愧的经典。

Situated at the heart of Beijing, the Imperial Palace, or the Forbidden City which takes up an area of 720 000 square meters is the largest and most complete ancient imperial building complex existing in China as well as in the world. The Imperial Palace was started to be built in 1406 and completed 14 years later, having a history of more than 590 years. Twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties had ever lived here. The building complex of the Forbidden City fully embodies the artistic features and styles of ancient Chinese architecture, and can be deservedly called a masterpiece in Chinese, even the world architectural history.


《红楼梦》(A Dream of Red Mansions)创作于18世纪,作者是曹雪芹。《红楼梦》是中国最著名的小说之一,曾被改编成多部戏剧作品。自《红楼梦》问世以来,有数以亿计的读者阅读过其汉语原文和各种译文。在中国,几乎每个人都读过或者知道《红楼梦》的故事。小说描写了一个庞大封建家族的生活及其衰落的过程,从各个角度充分展示了当时中国的文化和社会状况。

A Dream of Red Mansions, written in the 18th century by Cao Xueqin, is one of the most famous novels in China and has been adapted for numerous operas. Since the publication of the novel, hundreds of millions of readers have read it, either its Chinese original or its translated versions in various languages. Almost every person in China has read, or at least knows the story. This novel describes the life and decline of a large feudal family and fully presents every aspect of the Chinese culture and society at that time.







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