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首页 教育 花式大学录取通知书火了!清北复交南开PK,网友:能以旧换新吗?


时间:2024-07-16 21:06:36 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:



上海大学 Shanghai University


另外还有去年大受好评的“九色盲盒校徽”: What color is your school badge? It’s almost like being picked for a wizarding house at Hogwarts – Shanghai University randomly chooses a school badge with one of nine different colors.你的校徽是什么颜色的?上海大学推出的“九色盲盒校徽”,这玩意好像在霍格华兹(被分院帽)挑选学院的既视感啊有没有!

同济大学 Tongji University


东南大学 Southeast University


Southeast University welcomes its incoming students with its school hymn. The song will auto-play when students open the acceptance package, much like a music box. The package also includes postcards, stamps as well as pen drawings by Qi Kang, a Chinese artist and architect teaching at Southeast University.东南大学用歌声“迎新”。当学生打开录取通知书礼盒,礼盒会自动播放歌曲,就像音乐盒一样。礼盒里中还有明信片、邮票,以及在东南大学任教的艺术家 & 建筑师齐康的钢笔素描。

今年不仅保留了这个“唱歌”项目,更是多了一个特别设计——会发光的“大礼堂”。 清华大学 Tsinghua University

清华去年就推出了3D Gate Model录取通知书: Laser engraving, paper art, splice joints… Tsinghua University has been sending freshmen hand-made 3D models of its second campus gate.激光雕刻、折纸艺术、拼接结构……清华大学用这款立体二校门模型迎接新生。


北京大学 Peking University


Peking University was founded during the late Qing Dynasty in 1898 as the Imperial University of Peking. Last year, Peking designed the cover of its admission letters to resemble a historical plaque from the Imperial University of Peking, where students will see their information after opening the plaque.1898年清朝,北大的前身京师大学堂成立。去年,北大就设计了这款封面带有“大学堂”牌匾的录取通知书,打开牌匾,学生会看到自己的录取信息。

南开大学 Nankai University 南开大学晒出的建党百年特别版录取通知书,随通知书一并寄出的有一个荷包,其中有两粒来自浙江嘉兴的莲花种子,一枚“不负韶华”的书签。

Nankai University is trying to show students the bright future they are destined for through its acceptance packages.南开大学为新生准备的录取通知书,预示着光明的未来。 Nankai is sending each student two lotus seeds in a purple purse (purple is Nankai’s school color) representing the power of newborns. The school said that it hopes students will plant one of the lotus seeds in their hometown, symbolizing the unchanging nature of their original intentions, and bring the other one to school to witness their own growth.南开为每一位新生还附赠了两粒莲花种子,装在一个紫色的荷包里(紫色是南开大学的标志颜色)代表着新生的力量。学校表示,希望学生能把一粒种子种在家乡,代表不忘本的一颗心,另一颗带来学校,以见证大学校园时光的成长。

南京航空航天大学 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 今年,南京航空航天大学 的录取通知书汇集了“全宇宙的祝福”。封面印有水陆两栖飞机AG600,内部是长征五号运载火箭、国产大飞机C919立体纸雕。 通知书还随机附送与南航相关的飞行器徽章,共有“祝融号”火星车、武直-10等7种徽章。网友:狠狠地羡慕了~

上海交通大学Shanghai Jiao Tong University

去年,上海交大的3D Paper Art就十分独具匠心:

The school gate card that Shanghai Jiao Tong University is sending out last year seems like just a cute picture at first sight. But after you pull the gate to the side, you’ll see the inner campus shown as five-layer paper art.上海交大去年寄来的录取通知书乍一眼看会以为只是张可爱的卡片,但当你向两边抽开时,你会看到5层纸艺的校园全貌。







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