Plain: The comedian was so funny that as soon as he started talking people laughed.
Interesting: The comedian soon had them all laughing.
Plain: This is such an indispensable book that anyone who wants to speak and write with clarity, effectiveness, and individuality should possess one.
Interesting: This is an indispensable book for anyone who wants to speak and write with clarity, effectiveness, and individuality.
Plain: The professor was so quick-witted and so knowledgeable of the theater that he was instantly recognized as the best critic in his country.
Interesting: The professor’s quick wit and his awesome knowledge of the theater had won him instant recognition as the best critic in his country.
Plain: Jackie Chan was such a wonderful singer that his songs held eleven thousand people breathless.
Interesting: Jackie Chan’s songs held eleven thousand people breathless.
Weak: Many people in Shanghai used to live in attics, so they could see only a blank wall surrounding them.
Better: Many people in Shanghai used to live in attics, their only vista* a blank wall.
Plain: It was such an exhilarating experience that he felt dazed the whole evening, well after the concert.
Interesting: It was an exhilarating experience, one that left him dazed the whole evening, well after the concert.