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时间:2024-07-20 17:24:13 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:鍘熸枃锛?Skin that shines, that radiates* with that healthy glow. It can happen with Nouvisage. Nouvisage represents the greatest breakthrough in bearty in deca...

鍘熸枃锛?Skin that shines, that radiates* with that healthy glow. It can happen with Nouvisage. Nouvisage represents the greatest breakthrough in bearty in decades. Using the science of trans-dermal* patches, Nouvisage goes deep into the skin layers to exfoliate* dead skin cells, help promote the growth of new skin, moisturizes and nourishes the skin right where you need it. Nouvisage contains no chemicals, no preservatives and no fragrances with no animal testing, just healthy vitamins, natural botanics* and the latest formulas in antioxidant and moisturizing therapy. Use the Nouvisage Deep-Hydration* Mask just once a week for 30 to 45 minutes for a total facial and in-between, use Nouvisage shapes to target puffiness and dark circles around the eyes and lines around the mouth, starting with a clean face, lightly mist your entire face. Start applying the mask at the eyes and nose first, you’ll find the Nouvisage Deep-Hydration Mask clings to your face like a second skin. Mist again with a special activator water* Using Nouvisage on a regular basis can bring back the appearance of younger healthier looking skin. Order the Nouvisage month of beauty now and receive four Deep-Hydration Facial Masks with vitamin activator water, and 16 New Visage Shapes in their special freshness packs. When you order now, you’ll also recerive as our special gift to you, a bonus of 16 shapes at no extra cost. For younger, healthier looking skin, call our 24-hour hot line 1833311 today. The New Visage month of beauty can be yours and too easy installments of only 275 HK$. So don’t delay, call 1833311 now! If not completely satisfied, simply return it to us in it’s original packing within 30 days for a full refund. Now available exclusively from Star-Warnaco International.

璇戞枃锛?锛堢敾闈笉鏂棯鐜颁娇鐢ㄩ櫎鐨遍〉闈㈣啘鍚庤偆鑹茬殑瀵规瘮锛屼互鍙婂叿浣撶殑鎿嶄綔杩囩▼銆傦級鍋ュ悍浜辰鐨勮倢鑲わ紝浣跨敤闄ょ毐闈㈣啘渚垮彲寰楀埌锛岄櫎鐨遍潰鑶滄槸澶氬勾鏉ョ殑鎶よ偆鏂扮獊鐮淬?傚埄鐢ㄦ笚閫忕殑鍘熺悊锛岄櫎鐨遍潰鑶滅殑婊嬪吇鎴愬垎鑳芥笚杩涜倢鑲ゅ唴灞傦紝鍘婚櫎鑰佸寲鐨勭粏鑳烇紝鍔犻?熸柊鎴愪唬璋紝鍐嶇敓鏂扮殑鑲よ川锛屾彁渚涜倢鑲ゆ墍闇?鐨勬粙鍏诲強淇濇箍鎴愬垎銆傝闄ょ毐闈㈣啘涓嶅惈浠讳綍鍖栧鎴愬垎銆侀槻鑵愬墏鎴栨病鏈夌粡杩囧姩鐗╂祴璇曠殑棣欐枡锛涜?屾槸瀵屽惈鍋ュ悍鐨勭淮浠栧懡鎴愬垎锛屽ぉ鐒舵鐗╄嵂鏉愬強鏈?鏂扮殑鎶楁哀鍖栧拰婊嬫鼎閰嶆柟銆傛瘡鏄熸湡浣跨敤闄ょ毐闈㈣啘鏁蜂綇鏁翠釜闈㈤儴30鑷?45鍒嗛挓锛屽啀鍔犱笂瀹氫綅淇姢闈㈣啘娑堥櫎鐪奸儴鍛ㄥ洿娴偪锛岄粦鐪煎湀鍙婂槾瑙掑懆鍥寸殑缁嗙汗銆備娇鐢ㄦ椂鍏堟竻娲佸強绋嶇◢婀挎鼎鑴搁儴锛屾妸闄ょ毐闈㈣啘鏁峰湪鐪煎強榧讳笂锛岄櫎鐨遍潰鑶滀究璞$毊鑲や竴鏍风揣璐磋劯閮ㄣ?傜劧鍚庡啀鍔犵敤涓?绉嶇壒娈婄殑娲绘?ф按鍔犱互婊嬫鼎銆傛湁璁″垝鍦颁娇鐢ㄩ櫎鐨遍潰鑶滃彲浠ヤ娇浣犻噸鑾烽潚鏄ュ仴搴蜂寒娉界殑鑲岃偆銆傜幇鍦ㄨ璐櫎鐨遍潰鑶滄湀鏈堢編渚挎嫢鏈夊洓濂楅櫎鐨遍潰鑶滃強缁翠粬鍛芥椿鎬ф按鍙?16涓繚椴滆瀹氫綅淇姢闈㈣啘銆傝繕鏈夌幇鍦ㄨ璐殑瑙備紬锛屼綘涔熷彲浠ュ厤璐硅幏寰椾綔涓虹孩鍒╅澶栬禒閫佺殑16涓畾浣嶄慨鎶ら潰鑶溿?傛兂鎷ユ湁闈掓槬锛屽仴搴风殑鑲岃偆锛岀幇鍦ㄥ氨鎵?24灏忔椂鐑嚎鐢佃瘽1833311銆傚彧闇?275娓厓锛岄櫎鐨遍潰鑶滄湀鏈堢編灏辨槸浣犵殑鍟︺?備笉瑕佽繜鐤戯紝璧跺揩鎵?1833311锛佸鏋滀綘鎰熷埌涓嶅崄鍒嗘弧鎰忥紝鍙鍦?30澶╀箣鍐呭師瑁呴??鍥烇紝鎴戜滑浼氶??缁欎綘鍏ㄩ儴璐ф銆傜幇鍦ㄧ敱Star-Warnac International鐙閿?鍞??


娉ㄩ噴锛?radiate 鏁e彂锛屽彂鍏?

銆?銆?銆?trans-dermal銆? 閫忚繃琛ㄧ毊

銆?銆?銆?exfoliate 鍓ヨ惤锛岃兌鐨?

銆?銆?銆?botanic 妞嶇墿鎬ц嵂鏉?

銆?銆?銆?hydration 姘村悎浣滅敤

銆?銆?銆?puffiness 钃澗锛岃偪澶э紝鑲ヨ儢

銆?銆?銆?activator water 娲绘?ф按






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