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首页 教育 学美语:标准美国语第3册2a


时间:2024-07-20 17:11:02 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:38.Persuasion 说服 ;2.Make him listen. 3.Don’t try to talk me out of it. ;2.去说服他. 3.别想说动我. 别想说服我.4.He went all out to convince her. 5.Talk m...

38.Persuasion 说服 ;

2.Make him listen. 3.Don’t try to talk me out of it. ;2.去说服他. 3.别想说动我. 别想说服我.

4.He went all out to convince her. 5.Talk me into it. ;4.他费尽心力想说服她. 5.想办法说服我吧.

6.It won’t cost you anything. 7.Don’t make it too difficult. ;6.这不用花你半分钱. 7.不要化简为繁.

8.Jump on the band wagon. 9.Follow the flow. ;8.顺应时潮吧. 9.跟随着大伙依样画葫芦 吧.

10.Don’t fight it. ;10.不要和潮流唱反调. 不要抵挡它.

11.You’re tempting me. ;11.你快说动我了. 你在引诱我.

12.That salesperson is a smooth talker. 13.Bill is easily oversold. ;12.那名推销员能言善道. 13.比尔很容易被人说服.

14.He is easily dominated. ;14.他容易被人支使.

15.She’s too easily swayed by other’s opinions. ;15.她太容易被人左右.

16.He’s easily bullied 17.Can’t you see he’s trying to brainwash you? ;16.他很容易被人恫吓. 17.难道你看不出来,他想 洗你的脑吗?

39.Unpersuaded 没被说服 ;

1.Save your breath! 2.Don’t bother telling me. ;1.你省点儿力气吧! 别白费力气! 2.用不着说给我听.

3.Don’t try to sweet-talk me. ;3.别想用甜言蜜语来哄我

4.You are trying to score with me,but you’re not succeeding. ;4.你想获得我青睐, 却没得逞.

5.It’s like putting perfume on a pig. ;5.这就像往猪猡身上洒 香水.

6.It’s like putting pearls before swine. ;6.这等于是对牛弹琴. 这如同把珍珠呈现给 猪猡一样白搭.

7.You’re just grasping at straws. ;7.你饥不择食. 你就像犯重病, 乱投药石.

8.Might makes right. 9.If reason fails, use force. ;8.强权即是公理. 9.如果有理说不清, 不妨用武力解决.

10.His words carry no weight. 11.His words have no value. ;10.他的话没分量. 11.他说的话起不了作用.

40.Stubborn 顽固 ;

1.She’s very headstrong. ;1.她很死脑筋.

2.Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall. ;2.跟他说话就如对牛弹琴

3.He always thinks he’s right. ;3.他一向自以为是.

4.He still won’t let go. 5.You’re a hopeless case. ;4.他还不死心. 5.你无药可救.

6.How obstinate you are! 7.He’s very dogmatic. ;6.你好玩固! 7.他太死心眼了.

8.Doggone it,are you still at it? 9.Be open to new ideas ;8.该死,你还在做那种 糗事吗? 9.要接纳新观念.

10.Open your eyes. 11.You’re too shortsighted. 12.Open your mind. ;10.睁大你的眼睛. 11.你的眼光太浅短了. 12.敞开心扉,接纳忠言.

13.I wish he could broaden his mind. 14.Get with the times. ;13.我希望他能放宽心胸. 14.要赶上潮流.

15.Some people are so opinionated. ;15.有些人坚持已见.

16.It’ll be a cold day in July when he admits he’s done anything wrong. ;16.除非太阳从西边出来, 否则他不会认错.

41.Tradition 传统 ;

1.It’s a longstanding tradition. 2.Do what is customary ;1.这是流传已久的习俗. 2.言行要合乎习俗.

3.When in Rome, do as Romans do. 4.I come from the old school. ;3.入境随俗. 4.我比较保守.

5.This is what’s eroding our society. ;5.这是腐蚀社会的原因.

42.General Questions 一般问题 ;

1.A:What’s the matter? B:Nothing’s the matter. ;1.A:怎么回事了? B:没什么大不了的.

2.A:What’s wrong? B:It’s nothing. Hardly worth mentioning. ;2.A:哪儿不对劲了? B:没什么, 不值得一提的小事.

3.What’s going on here 4.How come? 5.Why bother? ;3.这儿出了什么事? 4.怎么会呢? 5.何必多此一举?

6.What for? 7.What on earth was that? ;6.何必呢? 目的何在呢? 7.那到底是什么玩意儿?

8.What the heck is this? 9.What’s the combination? ;8.这是什么鬼东西呀? 9.这个对号锁的密码是 什么?

10.What do you call this? ;10.这东西你怎么称呼的? 你这算什么?

11.What did you say? I didn’t hear you. ;11.你刚才说什么呢? 我没听清楚.

12.A:May I ask you something? ;12.A:可以请教你一点 儿事吗?

B:Go ahead. B:Shoot! ;B:请说. B:你说吧!

13.Mind if I ask you something personal? ;13.你介意我问一点儿 私事吗?

14.It never hurts to ask. ;14.开口请教别人, 绝对没有坏处.

15.I don’t have a crystal ball. 16.Are you quizzing me ;15.我又不会预言. 16.你在考我吗?

17.Don’t ask me. I’m not 411. ;17.不要问我, 我不是询问台.

18.No comment. ;18.无可奉告. 我不愿作任何评论.

19.You’re not the prosecutor and I’m not the accused. ;19.你不是检控官, 而我也非被告.

20.One question at a time,please. 21.It’s a mundane question. ;20.每次只由一位发问. 21.这是老生常谈.

22.It was a loaded question. 23.That’s a tricky question. ;22.这是牵涉很广的问题. 23.那是个难以回答的 问题.

43.To Puzzled 使困惑 ;

1.Beats me! 2.Search me. 3.Who the hell knows? ;1.问倒我了. 2.这教我无从作答. 3.鬼才晓得.

4.This problem is not within my grasp. 5.Got me. ;4.这难题非我能力所及. 5.难倒我了.

6.I wonder myself. 7.I honestly don’t know. ;6.我自己也想不通. 7.说实在的,我不知道.

8.It’s a mystery to me 9.How perplexing! ;8.这对我来说, 是神秘难解之事. 9.多么教人困惑啊!

10.I still don’t get it. 11.I’m at the end of my rope. ;10.我仍然不懂. 11.我已无能为力.

12.I’m at a loss over what to do next. 13.I lost myself for a while. ;12.我茫无头绪,不知下一 着棋该怎么走. 13.我愣了好一阵子.

14.I’m delirious. Is this a dream? ;14.我迷糊了,这是梦吗?

15.I don’t know what hit me. ;15.不晓得我撞了哪门子 邪.

16.I don’t know what got into me. 17.I don’t know what came over me. ;16.不晓得我被什么给 迷住了. 17.不知道什么迷惑了我.

18.I can’t think straight. ;18.我的思路杂乱. 我无法正确地思考.

19.He’s all balled up. ;19.他的起居作息已乱无 章法. 他的生活已乱成一团.

20.You gotta be hallucinating. 21.You must be dreaming. ;20.你准是在幻想. 21.你一定是在做梦.

22.You lose people in conversation. 23.I’m sorry. You lost me. ;22.你说的话常使人 大惑不解. 23.抱歉,我被你弄迷糊了

24.I’m totally lost. 25.That concept is foreign to me. ;24.我全然困惑了. 25.我觉得那种观念突兀.

44.Please Clarify 请澄清 ;

1.Give me a breakdown. 2.Can you be more specific. ;1.你逐项解说给我听. 2.你能说得更具体些吗?

3.Talk plainly. 4.Talk English! It’s all Greek to me ;3.用浅近的话说吧. 4.把话说清楚!我完全听 不懂你在说什么.

5.I don’t want any mumbo jumbo. 6.Don’t be so graphic. ;5.我不愿听含糊不清的话 6.不要把色情的细节渲染 得太清楚.

45.Figure It out 弄通 ;

1.A penny for your thoughts. 2.Give it some thought 3.Use your head! ;1.你在想什么呢? 2.多考虑一下吧. 3.动动你的脑筋!

4.I’ll leave you to think. 5.Let’s brainstorm for solutions. ;4.你自己去思考一下吧. 5.咱们集中脑力来想出 解决之方.

6.Everything we speculate has some flaw. ;6.我们的每一样推测都有 些缺陷.

7.No point is foolproof. ;7.没哪一项是十全十美的

8.A:I’ve decided to resign. B:So I gathered. ;8.A:我已决定辞职了. B:我也认为你会这么做

46.Easily Understood 易懂 ;

1.I think I’m talking English. 2.It’s self-explanatory. ;1.我认为我在说白话. 2.这道理显而易见.

3.Nothing could be simpler. 4.Didn’t I make myself clear? ;3.再没比这更简单的了. 4.我还没把自己的意思 说清楚吗?






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