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时间:2024-07-20 16:11:30 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:大众英语上 Gateway to English ;3朗读下列短诗: Oh,joy!Oh,joy! A child with his toy ;真高兴,真高兴, 孩子们玩玩具,Shouting at the top of his voice, Making such a terri...

大众英语上 Gateway to English ;

3朗读下列短诗: Oh,joy!Oh,joy! A child with his toy ;真高兴,真高兴, 孩子们玩玩具,

Shouting at the top of his voice, Making such a terrible noise. ;高声嚷大声叫, 叫得四邻不安静.

Oh,joy!Oh,joy! The boys are spoilt. They destroy all the toys. ;真高兴,真高兴, 孩子们好任性, 毁掉玩具不心疼,

It’s not the toys that are noisy. It’s the boys. ;不是玩具吵, 只是孩子不安静.

5朗读下列单词,比较 /:/和/i/: ;

all oil ball boil jaw joy raw Roy bald boiled call coil tall toil ;

双元音/i/ ;

1发音要领: 1)舌位从/i/开始,向元 音//滑动. 2)唇由扁到开. ;

2朗读下列单词: ear here fear hear dear pier tear near really idea sincere ;

superior serious fierce weary nearly ;

3朗读下列句子: Dear dear,the beer is really dear. He’s nearly in tears. ;唉呀,啤酒真贵呀. 他几乎流泪了.

Hear,hear!It’s a wonderful idea. ;同意,同意,这是个好主意

双元音/e/ ;

1发音要领: 1)从/e/开始,然后向// 滑动. 2)唇从扁到开. ;

2朗读下列单词: ;

care wear hair there fair share careful careless various repair square ;

3朗读下列句子: John likes to wear his hair long. ;约翰喜欢留长发.

It looks like a girl’s hair. Everybody should be fair and square. ;长得像女孩子的头发. 每个人都应该公正无私、 正大光明.

5朗读下列单词,注意区分 /i/和/e/: ;

hear hare dear dare beer bare ear air cheer chair ;

双元音/u/ 1发音要领: 1)舌位由/u/向//滑动. 2)口形由微圆到开. ;

2朗读下列单词: tour sure poor pure cure curious tourist dual ;

3朗读下列句子: ;

Don’s worry.It’s a sure cure. ;别担心,这个药能治病.

Fewer and fewer tou- rists come to the scenic spots. ;到这些风景胜地来的旅游 者越来越少了.

Lesson Five ;

英语辅音、不完全爆破、 词重音、句子重音和语调 ;

英语辅音 ;

英语辅音分清辅音与 浊辅音,发音时声带不振 动的是清辅音,如:/p,t, k,f,s/.发音时声带振动 ;

的是浊辅音例如:/b,d,g, v,z/. 英语辅音可分为以下 几种: ;

爆破音/p,b,t,d,k,g/ /p,b/发音形成的部位 是由双唇形成阻碍,使气 流短时间内不能通过, ;

气流克服阻碍冲出口腔发 出此音. ;

/t,d/是由舌尖与上齿 龈形成阻碍,发音方法与 发/p,b/的时候相同. ;

/k,g/是由舌后部抵住 软鄂形成阻碍,发音方法 与/p,b/的时候相同. ;

摩擦音/f,v,,,s, z,,,h,r/是指唇、舌 与齿或者上鄂的某些部位 接近形成间隙,气流通过 ;

时产生摩擦的音叫作摩擦 音 破擦音/t,d,tr,dr, ts,dz/ ;

鼻音/m,n,/ 边音/l,? 半元音/j,w/ 英语辅音大部分是成对的 ;

分清浊两种.如:/p,b/, /t,d/,/k,g/,/f,v/. ;

英语中有一部分辅音 是成对的,比如:/m/,/n/, ///l/,/r/,/j/,/w/没 有对应的清辅音,/h/没有 ;

对应的浊辅音. ;

辅音/,/ 1发音要领: ;

英语中的摩擦音/,/ 是汉语中所没有的音,它 们是由舌尖和牙齿形成阻 碍气流通过时发生摩擦, ;

发出此音.发音的时候把 舌尖放在两齿之间,但注 意不要咬紧. ;

2朗读下列单词: // north south throw health think thing mouth path third ;

thirsty sixteenth thank throat teeth youth ;

// then though this that these those bathe clothing teething breathe thus smooth ;

3朗读下列句子: Something is better than nothing. ;有一点总比什么都没有好

I think there’s some- thing wrong with me. Breathe in and breathe out. ;我觉得我身体出了点问题 吸气,呼气.

And again breathe in and breathe out. Keep breathing deeply. ;再吸气,再吸气. 不断地深呼吸.

Your breathing sounds fine. ;你的呼吸听起来很好.

The third Thursday of this month is the sixteenth. ;这个月的第三个星期四是 16号.

Mr. Smith has lost faith. Mrs. Smith has lost face. ;斯密斯先生丧失了信心. 斯密斯太太丢了面子.

4朗读下列单词,比较 //和/s/: ;

a thumb a sum a path a pass a mouth a mouse a wreath a race ;

thing sing thick sick thank sank ;

5朗读下列单词,比校 //和//: breath breathe worth worthy ;

north northern bath bathe south southern ;

辅音/n/和// 1发音要领: ;

1)/n /的发音部位是舌尖 与上齿龈成阻,气流通过 鼻腔发出此音. ;

2)发/ /音的时嘴张的 比发/n/的时候要大,舌的 后部用力向软鄂靠,或者 是软鄂略微下垂,然后从 ;

鼻腔发出此音. 2朗读下列单词: ;

/n/thin ban ran run nag not new now near note men son learn pain town ;

// thing bang rang rung ring king wing pingpong clinging singing running ;

shouting ringing stringing finger angry morning something king ;

singer strong string happening running ringing bringing singing ;

hanging banging 3朗读下列句子: Ding, dong, Tingling, What do you bring? ;铃铛丁当响, 你带不定期了什么对我讲

Songs for singing, And bells for ringing. These things I bring. ;我带来了歌儿, 还带来了响铃铛.

4朗读下列对话: A: Good evening. My guest tonight is a young singer,Miss King ;A:晚上好.今晚我们请来 了年轻的歌唱家金小姐.

Good evening,Miss King What were you doing earlier today? ;晚上好.金小姐.今天早些 时候您在做什么?

B:I was recording a song called "Bells are ringing " . ;B:我在录一个歌,歌名是 "银铃响丁当".

A: Did the recording go well? ;A:录音顺利吗?

B:Yes,sometimes every- thing goes wrong,but today nothing went wrong. ;B:很顺利.有的时候很不 顺利,可是今天一切都很 好.

I think "Bells Are Ringing" is going to be the top song this spring. ;我想"银铃响丁当"会 是今年春天的最佳歌曲.

6朗读下列单词,比较 /n/和//: ;

sin sing run rung ton tongue sun sung ;

sinner singer thin thing ban bang ;

辅音/l/和/? 1发音要领: /l/称为清晰的/l/,/? 称为含糊的/l/.发清晰的 ;

/l/时,舌尖抵住上齿龈, 舌前部向硬鄂抬起.为了 发音方便,可以在/l/后面 加了一个//,发成/l/ ;

含糊的/?与发清晰的 /l/相同.舌尖抵住上齿龈 但舌前部不上抬,而是舌 部向软鄂抬起, ;

舌身成凹形.发的音比较 含混,所以称为含糊的 /?. ;

2朗读下列单词: ;

low light line collect slow late lot left less nearly look lunch colour complain ;

3朗读下列单词,注意含糊 的/?的发音: tell till oil ill pull fall Paul ;

little uncle Michael careful beautiful gentleman spoilt children meal dull ;

film bottle unusual small simple horrible table apple bicycle ;

4朗读下列对话: A: Hello,Nellie. You’re early for lunch It’s only 11 o’clock. ;A:艾丽,你好.你吃午饭来 得早啊,才11点哪.

What would you like to have? ;你想吃点什么?

B:I’11 have a leg of lamb and a glass of lemonade, please. ;B:请给我来一只小羊腿和 一杯柠檬水.

And a slice of melon for dessert. ;另外要一片瓜作为甜食.

A:What a wonderful meal. B:Wonderful? You think it’s wonderful? ;A:这饭真棒. B:棒?你认为这饭棒?

A:What a dull film. B: Dull?You think it’s dull? ;A:这电影真没意思. B:没意思?你认为没意思?

5朗读下列句子: A little pill may well cure a great ill. ;小药治大病.

7朗读下列单词,比较 /n/和/l/: no low night light ;

net let knee lee nip lip knife life ;

connect collect pin pill ;

不完全爆破 英语中的爆破音与摩擦音 或破擦音连在一起时,前 面的爆破音常常发生不完 ;

全爆破.爆破音与鼻辅音 连在一起也形成不完全爆 破.所谓不完全爆破指的 是只作发爆破音的口形, ;

但气流并不出来,也就是 说只有短暂的停顿,而不 发音.下面的词中斜体部 分是不完全爆破. ;

picture advice active September big gun that time take care keep quiet ;

Good morning. Good night. A thousand thanks to you. ;

Take three pills a day Keep silent,please. I’d like a cold drink He has a good job. ;

Help me,please. No news is good news. ;

音节和词重音 元音与辅音结合起来构成 比音素更大的语音单位, 这就是音节. ;

有的音节只有由元音构成 一个词通常包括一个或一 个以上音节.包含一个音 节的是单音节词, ;

比如:good,bad,die live 等.包含两个音节的是双 音节词,比如China,be- tter,running pretty 等 ;

包括两个以上音节的是多 音节词,比如:October, beautiful,scientific等 在双音节词或多音节词中 ;

其中一个音节读的重,称 为重读音节,其他读的轻, 称为非重读音节.在多音 节词中除了主重音外, ;

有时还有次重音.主重音 用’符号,次重音用,符号, 比如: ;

preposition /,prep’zin/, examination/ /ig,zmi’nein/. ;

句子重音 1一般来说,在句子中实义 词重读,虚词不重读.名词 形容词、数词、动词、副 ;

词、感叹词属实义词,一 般有句子重音,而冠词、 助动词、前置词、连接词 是虚词, ;

通常在句子中没有重音. 代词中有些有句子重音, 另外一些则没有. ;

A:’How can I ’help you? B:I’ve ’hurt my ’hand A:How did it ’happen? ;

B:I was ’opening a ’tin.It was ’hand to ’open and I was in a ’hurry. ;

’When it was ’half ’open,the ’tin-opener ’slipped.I ’cut my ’hand.It was ’terrible ;

2助动词与情态动词在句 子结尾有句子重音,在句 首可有可无. ;

A:’Can you ’drive a ’car? B:’Yes,I ’can. A:Ex’cuse me.Is this a ’bank? ;

B:’Yes,it ’is. ;

连读 ;

在语流中连读是常见的现 象,一般是在有意义联系 的词之间,可以是辅音与 元音之间的连读. ;

也可以是元音与元音之间 的连读. ;

Please come in. I must finish it in an hour and a half. One of us must go. ;

He works at it day in and day out. ;

Try it again and again Here is a pair of shoes. ;

在句子中间有停顿的地方 不能连读,例如,在下面一 句中it和you不可连读. ;

If you need it,you may keep it. ;

语调 1在英语中最主要的是升 调和降调.陈述句和以wh- 开头的特殊问句用降调, ;

即在句子的最后一个重读 音节语调下降. This is a good picture. ;

He’s never been there. Sue likes the film. What’s the matter? How much is the map? ;

Where did you go yesterday? Why are you late? ;

Who is the lady in white? When shall we meet again? ;

2需要用yes或no回答的一 般问句用升调,即在最后 一个重读音节语调节上升 ;

A: May I try? B:Go ahead, please. ;

A:Has John put on weight? B:No,he hasn’t. ;

A:Do you like sweet things? B:Yes,I do.I have a big sweet tooth. ;我很能喜欢吃甜的东西.

A:Do you want to have a smoke? B:No, thanks. I have stopped smoking. ;

3在选择问句中,or之前用 升调,or之后用降调. ;

Does John come from London or Leeds? Is it a new dress or an old one? ;

Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? ;

Would you like to have the red one or the blue one? ;

Can I keep the books for one week or two weeks? ;

Lesson Six ;

Words and Expressions (生词表) also/’:lsu/ adv. 也 ;

and /nd,nd/ conj.和,与 bank /bk/ n.银行 ;

bathroom/’ba:rum/ n.洗澡间,卫生间 beautiful /’bju:tiful/ adj. 漂亮的 ;

bedroom /’bedrum/ n.卧室 big /big/ adj. 大的 ;

but /bt/ conj.但是 car /ka:/ n.汽车 ;

cat /kt/ n.猫 chair /te/ n.椅子 ;

clock /klk/ n.钟 computer/km’pju:t/ n.计算机,电脑 ;

daughter / ’d:t/ n. 女儿 desk /desk/ n.书桌 ;

dining-room /’daini,rum/ n.餐厅 ;

dog /dg/ n.狗 family /’fmili/ n.家庭 ;

for /f:, f/ prep.为了 garden /’ga:dn/ n. 花园 ;

good /gud/ adj.好的 have /hv, hv / vt.有 ;

history/’histri/ n. 历史 house /haus/ n.房子 ;

in/in/ prep.在...里面 is /iz/ v. 是 ;

it /it/ pron. 它 job /db/ n.工作 ;

kitchen/’kitn/ n.厨房 ;

living-room /’livi,rum/ n.起居室 ;

lot /lt/ a lot of n.很多,许多 ;

money / ’mni/ n. 钱 Mr. /’mist/ n. 先生 ;

Mrs. /’misiz/ n. 太太 much /mt/ adj. 多 ;

need/ni:d/ vt. 需要 ;

of /v/ prep.(连接名词与名词, 常表示所属关系) ;

park/pa:k/ n. 公园 pencil/’pensl/ n.铅笔 ;

pen /pen/ n.钢笔 room/rum/ n.房间 ;

sell/sel/ vt. 卖 servant /’s:vnt/ n.仆人 ;

small /sm:l/ adj. 小的 some /sm, sm/ adj.一些 ;

son /sn/ n. 儿子 teacher/’ti:t/ n.老师 ;

television /’teli,vin/ n.电视 ;

that /t/ pron.那个 the/i,/ art.(用于名词前) ;

their// pron.他们的 these /i:z/ pron.这些 ;

they/ei/ pron.他们 this /is/ pron. 这个 ;

those /auz/ pron. 那些 three /ri:/ num.三 ;

town /taun/ n.城镇 tree /tri:/ n. 树 ;

two /tu:/ num.二 watch/’wt/ n.手表 ;

what /wt/ pron.什么 Green/gri:n/ (姓) ;

Pattern Drills(句型练 习) Drill 1 ;

-What is this? -It is a living-room. -What is that? -It is a dining-room. ;

-What is this? -It is a desk. -What is that? -It is a chair. ;

-What is this? -It is a watch. -What is that? -It is a clock. ;

-What is this? -It is a bedroom. -What is that? -It is a bathroom. ;

-What is this? -It is a dog. -What is that? -It is a cat. ;

-What is this? -It is a television set. -What is that? ;

-It is a computer. Drill 2 ;

-What are these? -They are computers. -What are those? ;

-They are television sets. ;

-What are these? -They are desks. -What are those? -They are chairs. ;

-What are these? -They are watches. -What are those? -They are clocks. ;

-What are these? -They are pens. -What are those? -They are pencils. ;

-What are these? -They are gardens. -What are those? -They are parks. ;

Text Mr. and Mrs. Green ;

Mr. and Mrs. Green have two sons and a daughter. They also have a dog. ;

They have a big house in a smalltown.Their house has a living- room, a dining-room, ;

a kitchen, three bedrooms and two bath- rooms. ;






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