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时间:2024-07-20 15:06:54 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Lesson Eighteen ;Words and Expressions ;accept/k’sept/ vt.接受 accuse/’kju:z/ vt.指责,控告 ;advantage /d’va:ntid/n.优点 apply/&rsquo...

Lesson Eighteen ;

Words and Expressions ;

accept/k’sept/ vt.接受 accuse/’kju:z/ vt.指责,控告 ;

advantage /d’va:ntid/n.优点 apply/’plai/ vi.适用 ;

bargain/’ba:gin/ vi.讨价还价,议价 buy/bai/vt.& vi.买 ;

bought/b:t/ (过去式,过去分词) ;

carrier bag /’kri bg/ n.购物袋 ;

cash/k/ n.现金,现款 cheque/tek/ n.支票(=[美]check) ;

close/kluz/vt.关,闭 compare/km’pe/ vt.比较 ;

compensate /’kmpenseit/ vt.& vi.补偿 ;

considerable /kn’sidrbl/ adj.相当大(或多)的 ;

consult/kn’slt/ vt.查阅 i consumer/kn’sju:m/ n.消费者,用户 ;

convenience /kn’vi:nins/ n.便利,方便 ;

convenience food n.方便食品 credit/’kredit/ n.信用 ;

credit card n.信用卡 customary /’kstmri/ adj.习惯的 ;

department store n.百货商店 detection/di’tekn/ n.检测 ;

develop/di’velp/ vt.发展,使成长,使发达 differ/’dif/ vi.不同,相异 ;

differ from 与...不同 discount/’diskaunt/ n.折扣 ;

discount store n.廉价商店 display/dis’plei/ 陈列 ;

electrical /i’lektrikl/ adj.电的,电动的 ;

electronic /ilek’trnik/ adj.电子的 ;

exchange/iks’teind/ vt.交换,调整 faulty/’f:lti/ adj.有缺点的,不完善的 ;

goods/gudz/ n.商品,货物 ;

guarantee /,grn’ti:/ n.保证,保证书 ;

high-street /’haistri:t/ n.(城镇的)主要街道 ;

household /’haushuld/ adj.家庭的 import/im’p:t/vt.进口 ;

internationally /,int:’nnli/ adv.国际上,世界上 ;

internationally-known adj. 国际知名的,世界闻名的 low/lu/adj.低的 ;

major/’meid/ adj.较大的,较重要的 ;

manufacturer /,mnju’fktr/ n.制造商,制造厂 ;

overseas/’uv’si:z/ adj.外国的 part/pa:t/ n.部分 ;

particularly /p’tikjulli/ adv.特别,尤其 ;

pay/pei/ vt.& vi.支付,付款 paid/peid/ (过去式,过去分词) ;

policy/’plisi/ n.政策,方针 ;

preparation /,prep’rein/ n.准备,配制 ;

price/prais/ n.价格,价钱 product/’prdkt/ n.产品 ;

prosecution /,prsi’kju:n/ n.起诉,告发 ;

providing /pr’vaidi/ conj.以...为条件,假如 ;

queue/kju:/n. (人或车辆等)行列,长队 ;

range/reind/ vi.(在一定范围内) 变化,变动 ;

range from...to 在...至..的 范围内变化,变动 ;

receipt/ri’si:t/ n.收据,增值税 ;

resident/’rezidnt/ n.居民 ;

right/rait/ n.权利 ;

self-service /’self’s:vis/ n.顾客自理,无人售货 (类似超市) ;

service/’s:vis/ n.服务 shopkeeper /’p,ki:p/n.店主 ;

shoplifting /’p,lifti/ n.冒充顾客进商店行窃 ;

slightly/’slaitli/ adv.稍微 ;

specialize /’spelaiz/ vi.专门从事 ;

specify/’spesifai/ vt.详细说明 sterling/’st:li/ adj.英币的,英镑的 ;

street/stri:t/ n.街道,马路 ;

supermarket /’sju:p,ma:kit/ 超级市场 ;

tax/tks/ n.税 theft/eft/ n.偷窃,盗窃 ;

transfer/trns’f/ vt.转移 traveller/’trvl/ n.旅行者,旅客 ;

traveller’s cheque n.旅行支票 unless/n’les,n’les/ n.如果不,除非 ;

useful/ju:sfl/ a.有用的 value/’vlju:/n.价值 ;

VAT /vi:ei’ti,vt/ n.Value Added Ta的首字母略词, ;

Proper Noun Napoleon 拿破仑 ;


Shopping in Britain ;

Most shops in Britain are closed on Sundays ;

but open all day Monday to Saturday. Many towns and, ;

villages also have a half day closing during the week from about 13:00, ;

but they may stay open later on another evening. ;

There are one or two shopping customs ;

in Britain which may differ from your practice at home. ;

Bargaining is not customary in shops; ;

customers are expected to pay the marked price for goods. ;

The famous British queue applies particularly when shopping. ;

You may not always see a queue, ;

but those waiting are expected to take their turn. ;

In self-service shops and street markets, remember to take your own shopping bag ;

because many shops charge you for carrier bags. ;

In self-service shops, ;

however, always put the goods in the wire baskets provided by the shop first, ;

then pay for them and transfer them to your own bag later. ;

If you forget and put them straight into your own bag and leave without paying, ;

you may be accused of "shoplifting" ;

which can lead to a police prosecution for theft. ;

Unfortunately, this is a fairly common form of theft in some parts of Britain and ;

many shops have electronic detection equipment and a tough policy on prosecution. ;

If you are buying expensive household ;

goods you may like to consult Which magazine in a public library. ;

In this magazine the cost and quality of products from various ;

manufacturers are compared. ;

In recent years, Britain has developed ;

a considerable body of law to protect consumers’rights. ;

For example, ;

shops must exchange faulty goods providing you can produce a receipt, ;

so do keep receipts and guarantees, particularly for major purchases. ;

Napoleon I is said to ;

have remarked over 150 years ago that the British were a nation of shopkeepers’, ;

today the variety of different shops is certainly an advantage. ;

They range from the internationally-known ;

department stores to much cheaper local street markets. ;

Most areas have what used to be known as "corner shops" for local residents which ;

often keep longer hours than the high-street shops. ;

Their slightly higher prices are usually compensated for by their convenience. ;

There are also discount stores specializing, for example, ;

in electrical goods, ;

where you may find prices much lower than in the normal high-street shops. ;

In general, supermarkets and street markets are ;

particularly good for fresh fruit and vegetables and in many places they have a ;

wide range of imported foreign foods ;

which may remind you of home! ;

There are also "convenience" foods which are already cooked, ;

need little preparation and are useful for people in a hurry. ;

VAT or Value Added Tax is a government purchase tax of ;

fifteen percent added to many goods and most services. ;

Most prices include tax unless otherwise specified, ;

but on large purchases it is wise to check. ;

As an overseas visitor you might not have to pay VAT on some large purchases. ;

You can pay for goods by cash, ;

by cheque on a British bank account with a bank guarantee card, ;

or by sterling travellers’cheques, usually with no problem. ;

If the shop displays a credit card sign, ;

it will accept that particular credit card. ;

Lesson Nineteen ;

Words and Expressions ;

advancement /d’va:nsmnt/ n.前进;进展 ;

angry /’gri/ adj.生气的 ;

biz/biz/=business n.[美俚]商业;生意 chain/tein/ n.连锁,连锁店 ;

childrearing /’taildriri/ n.抚养孩子 ;

combine/km’bain/ vt.使结合 ;

commute/k’mju:t/ vi.两地往返; 乘公交车辆上下班 ;

commuter/ka’mju:t/ n.两地往返的人 conduct/kn’dkt/ vt.经营;处理 ;

disappear/dis’pi/ vi.不见;消失 distance/’distns/ n.距离 ;

earache/’ireik/ n.耳痛 ;

enthusiasm /in’ju:zizm/ n.热情 ;

estimate/’estimeit/ vt.& vi.& n.估计 flexible/’fleksbl/ adj.可变通的,灵活的 ;

fly/flai/vi.乘飞机 flew/flu:/(过去式) flown/flown/(过去分词) ;

further/’f:/ adj.更远的;进一步的 graduate/’grdjuit/ n.大学毕业生 ;

hard /ha:d/adj.艰苦的 hate/heit/痛恨,不喜欢 increase/in’kri:s/ vt.& vi.增加 ;

independent /,indi’pendnt/ adj.独立的 ;

journalism /’d:nlizm/ n.新闻业 ;

marriage/’mrid/ n.结婚 memorize/’memraiz/ vt.记住 ;

mommy/’mmi/ n.[美]妈咪 ;

newscaster /’nju:zk:st/ n.新闻广播员 ;

obstacle/’bstkl/ n.障碍 own/un/ vt.拥有 ;

plus/pls/ prep.加上 politics/’plitiks/ n.政治 ;

producer/pr’dju:s/ n.生产者; (电影或电视)制作人 ;

reach/ri:t/vt.达到 requirement /ri’kwaimnt/ n.要求 ;

researcher /ri’s:t/n.研究人员 respond/ris’pnd/ vi.回答;反应 ;

scarce/skes/ adj.缺乏的;罕见地 ;

schedule/’edju:l/ [美]/’skedul/ n.日程表,时间表 ;

sense/sens/n.感觉 separation /,sep’rein/ n.分离;(夫妻)分居 ;

solidLy/’slidli/ adv.坚固地;可靠地 support/s’po:t/ vt.支持 ;

telephone /’telifun/ n.电话 ;

tend/tend/vi.趋向 toddler/’tdl/ n.蹒跚行走的孩子 ;

tolerance/’tlrns/ n.忍受 tuck/tk/ vt.掖好(被子)等 ;

vice/vais/副的 wake/weik/叫醒 woke/wouk/(过去式) ;

waken/’weikn/ (过去分词) whatever/wt’ev/ pron.无论什么 ;

Proper Nouns Bob/’bb/(男人名) Boston/’bstn/ (美国)波士顿(市) ;

Davis/’deivis/ (姓) Doris/’dris/(女人名) ;

Etelson/’i:tlsn/ (姓) Hayden/’heidn/(姓) ;

Kate/’keit/(女人名) Long(姓) Newark/’nju(:)k/ [美国]纽瓦克 ;

Ohio/u’haiu/(美国) 俄亥俄(州) Robert/’rbt/ (男人名) ;

Susan/’su:zn/(女人名) Yarmouth Port (美国地名) ;


The Ways and Means of Lons-Distance Marriases ;

Kate Hayden,32,and Bob Long,37,a couple for eight years and ;

a married couple for four, have never lived together in the same town or house. ;

She is a newscaster at WABC-TV in New York City. ;

He is an independent TV producer-director in Los Angeles. ;

Kate is on call seven days a week, ;

so Bob flies in to spend two weeks with her every month. ;

The rest of the marriage is conducted by telephone. ;

They talk six or seven times a day, and last month their phone bill was $800." ;

I tuck her in at night and wake her up in the morning," says Bob. ;

"There is nothing good about separation, but we refuse to let it be an obstacle." ;

Such determination helps. ;

There are at least 700,000 commuter couples, ;

according to some estimates. ;

The requirements are simple enough-jobs in two different cities, ;

each too good to turn down,a full-time sense of humor, ;

the ability to memorize airline schedules plus a tolerance for the ;

earaches that come from hours on the telephone. ;

According to the researchers, ;

about half of these married commuters are in the academic world, ;

where work schedules are flexible and jobs too scarce to turn down. ;

But the numbers are increasing in business, ;

politics, show biz, and journalism. ;

The education level is high-about 90 percent have done some graduate work. ;

Family income tends to average $ 3000 to $ 40000 a year. ;

Often the commuting comes about because ;

the wife has reached a level at which further advancement means moving, ;

and the husband solidly supports the move. ;

Doris Etelson,51, the first woman vice-president of Howard Johnson Co., ;

the restaurant chain, has been married for 32 years and commuting for five. ;

When she was offered the job in Boston, her husband Robert, ;

54,who owns a company in Newark, responded with enthusiasm. ;

"She supported me for years," ;

he says, "and now she should get whatever success she can get." ;

Combining long-distance marriage ;

with childrearing is the hardest part of commuting. ;

One two-year-old child of a commuter marriage, ;

who lives with his father in Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts, ;

has been to the airport so often that he calls all airplanes "Mommy". ;

Some toddlers,like the 18-month-old daughter of Susan Davis, ;

just hate commuting. "She was really very angry ;

that her father had disappeared, "says Susan." ;

He would kiss her and she would turn her head away." ;

So Susan’s husband gave up a high-level job in Ohio and is now back in Chicago. ;






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