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时间:2024-07-20 14:05:54 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:Spoken American English 2 ;1.Humility 谦逊 ;1.He’s known for being low-key. 2.They’re down to earth. ;1.他的谦卑是出了名的. 2.他们很踏实.3.You&rsquo...

Spoken American English 2 ;

1.Humility 谦逊 ;

1.He’s known for being low-key. 2.They’re down to earth. ;1.他的谦卑是出了名的. 2.他们很踏实.

3.You’re just being modest. 4.This is no time to be modest. ;3.你太谦虚了. 4.这不是讲谦虚的时候.

5.You should take all the credit. ;5.你应该居全功, 不用太谦虚.

6.You deserve all the credit. ;6.所有的功劳你都 当之无愧.

7.Am I worthy of such honor? 8.I’m flattered. ;7.我真的配得这份荣誉吗 8.你太夸奖我了.

9.You’re just being polite. 10.You’re being overly humble. ;9.不敢当,你太夸奖了. 10.你太谦逊了.

11.A:You’ve accomplished a lot. B:I’m just trying to keep busy. ;11.A:你已有了许多成就. B:没这回事,我只是不 愿闲着.

12.A:You did a very fine job. B:I was just doing my job. ;12:A:这件事你办得很好. B:我只是尽本份而已.

13.Fame isn’t everything. 14.I’m not much of a mechanic myself. ;13.名望并非一切. 14.我算不得是好师傅.

2.Inferiority Complex 自卑 ;

1.Who wants to be me? 2.Nobody wants to be in my shoes. ;1.谁愿像我这样子? 2.没哪个人愿意处于我 这样的境遇.

3.Do I look out of place? 4.I’m afraid I’ll only slow you down. ;3.我看起来和这里 格格不入. 4.我担心我只会拖累你.

5.I feel like I’ll never amount to anything in life. ;5.我觉得我这一辈子 一事无成.

6.I’m feeling sorry for myself. 7.He’s drowning in self-pity. ;6.我为自己感到悲哀. 7.他沉耽于自怜.

8.I feel depressed. 9.I’m just a nobody. ;8.我感到沮丧. 9.我只是籍籍无名的小子

10.I’m just a peanut. 11.I’m the low man on the totem pole. ;10.我只是个小不点儿. 11.我是阶级最低的人.

12.Don’t sell yourself short. 13.Don’t underestimate yourself. ;12.不要妄自菲薄. 13.不要低估自己.

3.Sexual Desire 性欲 ;

1.She turns me on. 2.She’s a fast woman. ;1.她使我欲火上升. 2.她是个骚货.

3.She’s too passionate 4.That dress is a real turn-on. ;3.她热情如火. 4.那种服装会撩起情欲.

5.She’s a loose woman. 6.She’s not the kind of girl you’d take home to mother. ;5.她是个不知检点的女人 6.她登不了大雅之堂.

7.She’s shacking up with a guy. 8.She’s a call girl. ;7.她正跟一个男人姘居. 8.她是应召女郎.

9.She works on the street. ;9.她是阻街女郎.

10.Male hustlers are becoming more prominent. ;10.男妓变得多起来了.

11.He is a gigolo. 12.He’s a real Romeo. ;11.他是吃软饭的人. 12.他是情圣.

13.He’s a Don Juan. 14.He’s a lady killer. ;13.他是大众情人. 14.他是花花公子.

15.He has girlfriends left and right. 16.He/she is a hot number. ;15.他左拥右抱, 女友一大堆. 16.他(她)是大众情人.

17.He’s a ladies’ man. 18.He’s a stud. ;17.他很讨女人欢心. 18.他像是一匹专门用来 交配的种马.

19.He makes women his hobby. 20.He’s a skirt chaser ;19.他性好渔色. 20.他是只花蝴蝶.

21.I have no true love just one-night stands 22.He has a woman in every port. ;21.我没有真心的情人, 只有逢场作戏的伴侣. 22.他的情妇遍布各地.

23.He’s hard up today. 24.She’s simply irresistible. ;23.他今天性欲很强. 24.她是教人难以抗拒 的女人.

25.She knows men’s weaknesses. 26.She’s fickle. ;25.她知道男人好色的 弱点. 26.她是个骚货.

27.I lost my virginity at sixteen. 28.That girl is too much. ;27.我十六时失去童贞. 28.那个女孩子实在太 过分.

29.He’s got his brain between his knees. 30.He’s in heat. ;29.他满脑子的性经. 30.他欲火旺盛.

31.Her body haunts me. 32.I can’t stop thinking about her. ;31.她的胴体蛊惑了我. 32.我对她难以忘怀.

33.She possesses me. ;33.她迷惑了我的心. 她占据了我的心.

34.Who is that with the big boobs? ;34.那个大胸脯的女人 是谁.

35.Look at those knockers. 36.He has a roving eye and always will have. ;35.你瞧瞧那大胸脯. 36.他老是有一双色眯眯 的眼睛.

37.Men!All they want to do is get into your pants. ;37.男人想做的事,无非是 钻到你裤子里头去.

38.His mind is always in the gutter. 39.You have filthy mind. ;38.他的心老是很龌龊. 39.你有一颗肮脏的心.

40.His mind wanders. 41.They’re making out in the movies. ;40.他想入非非. 41.他们在电影院里 搂搂抱抱.

42.He likes to hug and kiss me. 43.Do you have any protection? ;42.他喜欢拥吻我. 43.你有避孕措施吗?

44.He hit on me. 45.It’s the day after. He doesn’t look himself. ;44.他勾引我. 45.他跟女人鬼混了一夜, 显得神色不定.

46.Men often go to bars to pick up an easy lay. ;46.男人们常到洒吧去找 放荡的女人苟合.

47.What’s this idea, swapping wives? ;47.换妻是什么鬼玩意儿?

48.Don’t be a one-arm driver. ;48.开车时不要腾出一只 手来,对身边的女孩子 不规矩.

49.He’s a pig. ;49.他是一只重肉欲的 猪猡.

50.No,you can’t go to a strip tease joint. ;50.不行,不许你去 (低级的)脱衣舞场.

51.He’s a peeping Tom. 52.America is in a moral decline. ;51.他是个偷窥狂. 52.美国的道德正在沦落 中.

53.All rats like cheese. 54.Sinful and unholy love is not true love ;53.哪只猫儿不贪腥. 54.罪恶不洁的爱, 就不是真爱.

4. Seduction 调情 ;

1.Can I interest you in a drink? 2.Hey sweetie, remember me? ;1.请你喝杯酒,有兴趣吗? 2.嘿,甜心,还记得我吗?

3.She gave him a peck on the cheek. 4.How about a smooch, sugar? ;3.她在他的脸颊上轻轻 地亲了一下. 4.甜心,让我亲一下好吗?

5.He wants to seduce you. ;5.他想引诱你.

6.That guy at the other table is making eyes at you. ;6.另一桌的那个男人在跟 你挤眉弄眼.

7.He propositioned me. 8.Love is like a cat and mouse game. ;7.他向我求欢. 8.爱情像是一场猫捉老鼠 的游戏.

9.Don’t make catcalls at girls. 10.Don’t mess around with her. ;9.不要对女孩子猛吹口哨 10.不要跟她胡来.

11.Did you score? 12.Why give sex away for free? ;11.你得分了吗? (你勾搭上了吗?) 12.何必没代价陪人睡觉?

5.Sexual Harassment 性骚扰 ;

1.My boss is making passes at me. What should I do? ;1.我的老板向我频送秋波 你说该怎么办?

2.My supervisor is way out of line. ;2.我上司的作风太离谱.

3.If you touch me, you’ll be sorry. 4.Clean up your act! ;3.你如果敢碰我,我会叫 你叫苦不迭. 4.手脚干净点儿!

5.Take your filthy hands off me! 6.Don’t touch me. ;5.把你的脏手拿开! 6.不要碰我.

7.Keep away from me. 8.Get your paws off me ;7.离我远一点儿. 8.不要用你的爪子碰到我

9.Leave me alone. 10.A woman’s place is in the home. ;9.不要骚扰我. 10.女人只适合待在家里.

11.No sexist remarks, okay? 12.You keep your distance. ;11.别说性别歧视的话, 行不行? 12.你离我远一点儿.

13.He violated my body 14.He dishonored me. ;13.他侵犯了我的身体. 14.他使我蒙羞.

6.Having an Affair. 婚外情 ;

1.Many married couples have affairs. ;1.许多已婚夫妻都有 婚外情.

2.I wonder if he ever looks at other women ;2.我怀疑他是否和别的 女人调过情?

3.Could he have been fooling around? 4.He may be seeing another woman. ;3.他是否在外头拈花惹草 4.也许他有外遇.

5.I think there’s some hanky-panky between Mr.Benson and his secretary. ;5.我想班森先生和他的女 秘书之间,有不正常的 关系.

6.No hanky-panky in front of the children 7.He’s getting it on the side. ;6.不要在孩子们面前 恶形恶状. 7.他在外头打野食.

8.You’re being unfaithful to her. 9.It was sort of a casual thing. ;8.你对她不忠实. 9.那不过是逢场作戏.

10.He walked in on his wife and another man. ;10.他回家时撞见他妻子 和别的男人的奸情.

11.You let your husband know that you are onto him. ;11.要让你丈夫晓得,你 对他一清二楚(而有 所顾忌).

12.You spent the night with him? 13.I saw you flirt with that girl. ;12.你和他过夜了吗? 13.我亲眼看到你和那个 女孩子调情.

14.Don’t play with fire,or you’ll get burned. ;14.不要玩火, 不然会被烧伤.

15.Adultery can blow up in your face. 16.Their marriage is a joke. ;15.不正常的男女关系有 时会毁了你. 16.他们的婚姻是个笑话.

7.Sexual Exploitation 性剥削 ;

1.He’s toying with my affection. 2.Don’t try to get fresh with me. ;1.他在戏弄我的爱. 2.别想吃我的豆腐. (别想占我的便宜.)

3.He just wants to use me. 4.Her doctor boyfriend is her meal ticket. ;3.他只想占我肉体的便宜 4.她那当医生的男友是她 的饭票.

5.Pornography is demeaning to women. ;5.色情产品是对女性的 侮辱.

6.Some guys may steal your money,but this guy stole your heart ;6.有的人也许会偷你的钱 但这家伙偷了你的心.

7.I didn’t steal your girl. ;7.我没偷你的女人.

8.Independence 自立 ;






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