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首页 教育 轻松掌握英语英语口语:开立账户


时间:2024-07-20 14:00:43 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:19862
【导读】:Can I help you,Miss?Yes,I’d like to open an account.Certainly Miss. What kind of account would you want?I’m not too sure. But I need an account for...

Can I help you,Miss?

Yes,I’d like to open an account.

Certainly Miss. What kind of account would you want?

I’m not too sure. But I need an account for which I can withdraw my money anytime I like and get some interest on it as well.

Well. I think a current account will be to your satisfaction. You can make withdraws from the bank and the ATMs anytime you like.

That’s great! But what’s the annual interest rate for this kind of account?

At present the rate is 1.8 percent a year.

Good. I think I’ll open a current account please.

Ok. Please fill out this application form.

Yes. Name,address,phone number,that’s it. Will 100 dollars be enough to open this account?

Yes,of course.

Here you are.

Fine. Wait a moment,please. Here is your bankbook,Miss.

Thank you for your help.

You are welcome.






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