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首页 教育 学美语:标准美国语第2册1b


时间:2024-07-20 13:51:32 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:28.Phone Conversation 电话交谈 ;B:That’s quiet all right. ;B:没关系.20.A:Is Mark in? B:Sorry,he’s out to lunch. ;20.A:马克在吗? B:抱歉,他吃午饭去了A...

28.Phone Conversation 电话交谈 ;

B:That’s quiet all right. ;B:没关系.

20.A:Is Mark in? B:Sorry,he’s out to lunch. ;20.A:马克在吗? B:抱歉,他吃午饭去了

A:Can you tell him that Jane called and I’ll meet him after work? ;A:你能告诉他,珍打过电 话来,说下班后要和他 碰面吗?

B:Sure,I’ll give him the message. A:Thanks a lot. ;B:没问题,我会跟他说. A:多谢了.

21.He’s on lunch break Can I take your message? ;21.他在午休中. 我可以为你传话吗?

22.A:Is Mr.Morgan in? B:No,he isn’t.He just stepped out. ;22.A:摩根先生在吗? B:不在,他刚出门.

23.He’s out on official business. 24.Don’t forget to tell him I called. ;23.他出公差去了. 24.别忘了告诉他, 我打过电话来.

25.No calls this morning? 26.You’re got a bunch of messages. ;25.今天早上没人打电话 给我吗? 26.你有一大堆电话留言.

27.I can’t reach him. ;27.他的电话打不进去.

28.A:May I speak to Mr.Wilford? B:Who’s calling, please? ;28.A:我可以和伟弗先生 说话吗? B:请问你尊姓大名?

A:Bob Sullivan. B:What’s is it in regards to? ;A:鲍伯.稣利曼. B:有何贵事?

29.Hold on a second. ;29.请稍候.

30.Would you like to continue to hold? No one is available right now. ;30.你想继续等下去吗? 现在没人接你的电话.

31.I’ll be in touch. 32.Someone’s calling me.Gotta go. ;31.我会和你保持联系. 32.有人在叫,我该走了.

33.I have another call 34.Don’t hang up on me ;33.我有另一线的电话 要接. 34.不要跟我摔电话.

35.Where can I get hold of you? 36.You can contact me at this number. ;35.我怎么和你联系? 36.你可以拨这个号码 找我.

37.This is my card. Call me anytime. ;37.这是我的名片,随时欢 迎你打电话来找我.

38.I’ll give you a buzz around six. ;38.大约六点我会打电话 给你.

39.I’ll give you a ring. ;39.我会打电话给你.

40.We’ve been getting a lot of obscene phone calls lately. ;40.最近我们接到许多猬 亵的电话.

41.He stays out all night. ;41.他不到凌晨三、四点 不会回来.

29.Mail,Postal Service 信件,邮务 ;

1.Why didn’t you write 2.There’s mail for you ;1.你怎么不写信给我呢? 2.有你的信.

3.This letter doesn’t say who it’s from. ;3.这封信没注明是谁寄的

4.I can tell it’s junk mail even before I open it. ;4.我不用拆开信封,就晓 得那是垃圾邮件.

5.She wrote me a Dear John(letter). 6.Did you receive the package on your end? ;5.她寄给我一封绝交信. 6.你收到我寄去的包裹吗

7.A:Didn’t you get my package yet? It’s been over a month. ;7.A:你还没收到我的包裹 吗?都已超过一个月了.

B:Chances are it’s lost in the mail. ;B:很有可能是寄丢了.

30.Cooperation 合作 ;

1.We’re some match! 2.You and I will make a great team. ;1.我们可以搭配得很好! 2.你我会成为一对好搭档

3.Two heads are better than one. ;3.三个臭皮匠, 胜过一个诸葛亮.

4.If we stick together we’ll all come out winners. ;4.如果团结一致,我们都 会成为赢家.

5.It’s in your best interest to cooperate here. ;5.在这儿如果你合作的话 对你最有利.

6.I’ve got the horse, he’s got the saddle. We’re bound to cooperate. ;6.我有马无鞍、他有鞍无 马,我们势非合作不可.

7.This is a seamless cooperation. 8.We need someone who’s a team player. ;7.这是个无懈可击的合作 8.我们需要一个能和全队 搭配无间的人.

9.They formed an alliance. 10.We’re on the same team. ;9.他们结成联盟. 10.我们是同一战线的.

11.We’re in the same boat. ;11.我们同搭一条船.

12.It’s all or nothing ;12.要就尽心做,否则干脆 不做.

13.We all work together or not at all. ;13.我们若不能好好地合 作,不如拉倒.

14.One for all and all for one. 15.Let’s all stick together. ;14.我为人人,人人为我. 15.让我们联成一气.

16.United we stand, divided we fall. ;16.团结才能存活, 纷争注定灭亡.

17.This is as far as I will go. ;17.我只能帮你到这个 程度.

31.Philosophy Of Friendship 友谊的哲学 ;

1.They say the best sauce is company. 2.Friends are honest with each other. ;1.人们说高朋满座是最佳 的佐料. 2.朋友之间应以诚相待.

3.When you run with the wrong crowd it always shows. ;3.与损友相处,终将显出 鄙陋之行为.

4.You can’t run with the skunk and smell like a rose. ;4.你无法久近染缸,而不 被玷污.

5.Those who lie down with dogs,rise up with fleas. ;5.近朱者赤,近墨者黑.

6.You can’t fly with eagles when you hang with turkeys. ;6.跟火鸡相处太久,再也 无法与老鹰高飞.

7.A dog and a wolf can’t go far. ;7.道不同,不相为谋.

8.They fight like cats and dogs. ;8.他们处不来. 他们吵得很凶,像天生 为敌的猫与狗.

9.You are judged by the company you keep 10.Birds of a feather flock together. ;9.人们会以所交往的朋友 来判断你. 10.物以类聚.

11.The enemy of my enemy is my friend. 12.I don’t associate with low lifes. ;11.敌人的敌人,就是朋友 12.我不和低级的人往来.

13.I’m particular with whom I drink. 14.I have friends in high places. ;13.我不随便和人家打 交道. 14.我认识高阶层人士.

32.Making Friends 交友 ;

1.Let’s get acquainted 2.Are you new in town? ;1.咱们来彼此认识一下. 2.你刚来这里不久吧?

3.Don’t be afraid. I don’t bite. 4.Mingle with the crowd. ;3.用不着怕,我不会咬人. 4.去做好社交工作.

5.Think of me as your buddy! 6.He offered me a hand shake. ;5.把我当(成你的)朋友吧 6.他主动地和我握手.

7.A:Hey buddy. Do you have the time? ;7.A:嘿,老兄,你的手表几 点了?

B:Don’t "buddy" me. ;B:不要叫得那么亲热, 谁是你的"老兄"?

B:My name isn’t Buddy. Get lost. ;B:我的名字不叫"老兄" 你给我滚远一点儿!

8.I’m not with you and I’m not one of you. ;8.我不和你们同流合污, 也不是你们当中的一伙.

33.Acquaintances 相识 ;

1.We’re just acquaintances. ;1.我们只是熟人而已. (我们并非朋友关系.)

2.When we first met,we were all uncomfortable. ;2.我们初次见面时,彼此 忸怩不安.

3.We have a so-so relationship. 4.He acts like you’re his kin. ;3.我们的关系很普通. 4.他表现得好像你是他的 亲人似的.

5.He’s too familiar. 6.I am kin to nobody in this world. ;5.他太随便了. 6.在这世上, 我没任何亲人.

34.Good Friendship 好友谊 ;

1.She hangs out with her peer group. 2.He’s like a kid brother to me. ;1.她和同辈的好友们往来 2.他与我情同手足.

3.We’re buddies. 4.we’re pals. ;3.我们俩是好朋友. 4.我们是老朋友.

5.We are like this. ;5.我们俩就像这样 密不可分.

6.We go back many years. 7.We grew up best friends. ;6.我们已认识好多年了. 7.我们是从小在一块儿 长大的好朋友.

8.We’re buddy buddies. 9.We’re blood brothers ;8.我们私交甚笃. 9.我们是结拜兄弟.

10.They are like Mutt and Jeff. 11.You’re the only friend I’ve got. ;10.他们哥儿俩相好. 11.你是我唯一的朋友.

12.I’m alone and friendless. 13.You’re a great friend to have. ;12.我孤零零一人, 没半个朋友. 13.有你这种朋友真好.

14.He’s quite a pal. 15.He didn’t desert me in my time of need. ;14.他很讲义气. 15.我急难时他没背弃我.

16.That’s what I call a friend! 17.I don’t deserve a good friend like you ;16.这才是我所谓的朋友. 17.我不配有你这么好的 朋友.

18.Marlou is a true blue friend. ;18.马罗是讲义气的朋友.

19.We became intimate friends through thick and thin. ;19.经过福祸的历练, 我们成了莫逆之交.

20.He works for us. ;20.他是自己人.






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