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时间:2024-07-20 13:51:05 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:84.Threats 恐吓 ;46.Well,we’ll see who’s meaner. 47.I’ll set them an example. ;46.好,走着瞧,看谁更毒. 47.我来杀鸡儆猴.48.You’ll get clob...

84.Threats 恐吓 ;

46.Well,we’ll see who’s meaner. 47.I’ll set them an example. ;46.好,走着瞧,看谁更毒. 47.我来杀鸡儆猴.

48.You’ll get clobbered! 49.How would you like a fat lip? ;48.你会挨一顿毒打! 49.你想要我揍你一拳吗?

50.You’re asking for a knuckle sandwich! 51.Cool it. ;50.你在讨打! 51.你少来. 你到一边儿凉快去吧.

52.You’re gonna get creamed. 53.He’ll punch your lights out. ;52.你会被毒打一顿. 53.他会打得你昏死过去.

54.Do it.Your very life depends on it. ;54.好自为之,你的命 寄托在它上面.

55.You’re running out of time. 56.You’re a walking dead man. ;55.你的时间不多了. 56.你活不久了.

57.Your days are numbered. 58.Kiss your ass good-bye! ;57.你的时日不多了. 58.你死定了!

59.I’ll skin you alive if you don’t do it. ;59.如果你不做,我会活 剥你的皮.

60.If you ask any more questions,they’ll cut your throat. ;60.如果你再多问, 他们会宰了你.

61.If you ever cross my path,I’ll pluck your eyes out. ;61.如果你阻碍我的好事, 我会把你的眼睛挖出来.

62.You’d better settle this matter or I’ll personally bury you ;62.你最好把这件事解决, 不然我会亲手活埋你.

63.A:You’re bluffing! B:Oh yeah?Try me. ;63.A:你在吓唬人! B:是吗?你试试看我 敢不敢.

64.He’s bullshitting you. 65.My boss’s bark is worse than his bite ;64.他在跟你胡扯淡. 65.我的老板叫得比咬的 凶.

66.Don’t threaten me! 67.You wouldn’t dare! 68.I dare you! ;66.不要威胁我! 67.谅你也不敢! 68.你敢?

69.Don’t think I won’t 70.Don’t doubt me. ;69.别以为我不会做. 70.不要怀疑我不敢做.

71.She wasn’t just kidding. 72.These guys are for real. ;71.她没在说笑. 72.这家伙在玩真的.

85.Friendly Warnings 友善的警告 ;

1.Watch your step. 2.Look out! 3.Be careful! ;1.走路时要小心. 2.小心. 3.当心!

4.Don’t trip. 5.Beware of dog. ;4.不要跌跤了. 5.当心恶犬.

6.Hold on or you’ll fall off. ;6.抓紧一点不然你会跌 下去.

7.Be alert now! 8.On guard! ;7.要提高警惕! 8.看招!(看剑!)

9.Keep your eyes peeled! 10.This is no time for a nap. ;9.随时提高警惕! 10.现在不是松懈的时候.

11.You can’t just sit there. ;11.你不能光坐在那里 (不想办法).

12.You don’t want to wave the flag,do you? ;12.你不愿太张扬,而引起 众人的注目吧?

13.Be careful. It’s deadly. 14.We’ve only got one life. ;13.小心一点, 这是会要人命的. 14.我们只有一条老命.

15.You’re walking on thin ice. 16.You’re digging your own grave. ;15.你如临深渊,如履薄冰 16.你在自掘坟墓.

17.You’d better take a walk fast. 18.Run for your life. ;17.你最好趁早开溜. 18.要保命快逃开.

19.Go home before something happens to you. ;19.趁还没出事之前, 赶紧回家去!

20.Avoid it at all costs. ;20.不计代价,竭力避免 它发生.

21.Watch your back. 22.Cover yourself. ;21.当心背后. 22.想一套好理由来替你 自己辩解.

23.Don’t jeopardize all you’ve worked for. ;23.不要把多年的心血毁 于一旦.

24.If you don’t stay on your toes,you’ll get buried alive. 25.I told you so. ;24.如果不警惕,你会被 活埋. 25.我不早跟你说过了吗?

86.Success. 成功 ;

1.You’ve done well for yourself. 2.He’ll go far. 3.He’s a smash! ;1.你混得不错. 2.他大有前途. 3.他已声名显赫了!

4.She’s a hit. 5.She brought down the house. 6.He’s sensational! ;4.她成了热门人物. 5.她博得满堂彩. 6.他真是不可思议!

7.Steve rose from obscurity to the spotlight. ;7.史蒂从默默无闻,变成 家喻户晓.

8.He came out from nowhere. 9.He’s a self-made man ;8.他是半途杀出来的 程咬金. 9.他白手成家.

10.He’s made a name for himself. ;10.他塑造了自己的名气.

11.You’ve made quite a place for yourself in society. ;11.你已争取到相当的 社会地位.

12.You’re a big shot now. ;12.你已成了举足轻重的 人物.

13.He began as a busboy and died an industrial tycoon. ;13.他从打杂童工起家,到 老死之时已成了工业 界的泰斗.

14.Maryann finally hit the bull’s eye. 15.No one can beat you You’re the champ. ;14.玛利终于顺遂心愿. 15.谁都赢不了你,你是此 道中之翘楚.

16.She stole the whole show. 17.I’m on my way up the ladder. ;16.她抢尽了风头. 17.我的行情看涨. 我正在节节高升.

18.I’ve risen to the top. 19.There is no mystery behind his success. ;18.我已爬到巅峰. 19.他的成功, 并无玄妙之处.

20.The key to success is perseverance. ;20.坚忍是开启成功之匙.

21.Success is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. ;21.成功是一分灵感,加上 九十九分的血汗.

22.He’s set for life. 23.Success is hard to hold on to. ;22.他这下半辈子已不愁 吃穿. 23.创业难,守成更难.

24.Their time has come and gone. ;24.他们的黄金时期已过.

87.Reward 酬答 ;

1.This award will be frosting on the cake 2.He who dances must pay the piper. ;1.这份奖赏, 犹如锦上添花. 2.享乐者,必须付酬劳.

3.There’s no free lunch. 4.No pain,no gain. ;3.天下没有白吃的午餐. 4.无辛勤,哪来收获?

88.To Seek Credit 邀功 ;

1.Don’t forget to give me the credit I deserve. ;1.别忘了我应得的功劳.

2.Tommy is just a copycat. ;2.塔米只是个抄袭者.

3.He has no originality. 4.You picked that up from me. ;3.他没创作力. 4.那是你从我这儿学的.

5.She gives herself too much credit. ;5.她太抬举自己. 她自视过高.

6.Give the devil his due. ;6.他虽讨人厌,但也不应 否认他的功劳.

7.I owe it all to you for what I am today. ;7.我能有今天, 全托你的福.

8.His record of achievements is hard to dispute. ;8.他的丰功伟绩不容争辩

89.Fairness & Favoritism 公平与偏袒 ;

1.He sees facts, not people. ;1.他论事不论人.

2.Everyone is playing by the same rules, fair is fair. ;2.大家都规规矩矩在参加 比赛,没人耍花样.

3.He won it fair and square. ;3.他赢得光明磊落.

4.What’s good for the gander is good for the goose. ;4.要论公平的话,男人可 以做的事,女人也可照 做不误.

5.Don’t ask me. I’m neutral. 6.He’s impartial. ;5.不要问我的意见,我 不想偏袒哪一方. 6.他公正无私.

7.These names are chosen arbitrarily. ;7.这些名字是随意挑选 出来的.

8.I want to be fair with you. ;8.我不想让你吃亏.

9.A:How about if we split it 50/50? B:Fair enough! ;9.A:咱们二一添作五吧? B:够公平的啦!

10.A:Is that fair enough? B:What’s fair is fair. ;10.A:那样够公平了吗? B:你说公平就公平吧!

11.This game is always tilted in their favor. ;11.这种比赛老是他们 占便宜.

12.They all do it. Why can’t I? ;12.他们都在做, 为何我不可以做?

13.Justice is blind. 14.She’s siding with her son. ;13.真正的公平是论事不 论人. 14.她袒护自己的儿子.

15.He’s always been the teacher’s pet. ;15.他一直是老师最钟爱 的学生.

16.He’s a hometown favorite. ;16.他是家乡人眷爱的 人物.

17.They are taking sides. ;17.他们在偏袒人.

18.You’re showing favoritism. 19.You’re protecting her. ;18.你偏心. 19.你在袒护她.

20.You can’t shield this man forever. ;20.你没办法一辈子护着 这个人.

21.He gets all the breaks. ;21.他占了所有的甜头.

22.How come you’re all on his side? 23.It doesn’t seem fair. ;22.为何你老跟他同一个 鼻孔出气呢? 23.这好像不太公平吧?

24.Which side are you on,anyway? ;24.你到底是在帮哪一边 嘛.

25.He is he and you are you. ;25.他是他,你是你, 哪能相提并论?

26.You know I’m always on your side. 27.Listen to both sides of the story. ;26.你知道我一直都支持 你. 27.不要光听片面之词.

28.You’re jumping to conclusions. 29.I hope you will get a fair shake. ;28.你妄下断语. 29.我希望你获得公平的 待遇.

30.The only way to guarantee a fair shake for ourselves is to stick together ;30.团结是唯一能保证我 们获得公平待遇之首.

90.Compliment 赞赏 ;

1.Everyone needs a compliment now and then. ;1.每个人都需要偶尔被 夸奖几句.

2.A compliment makes you feel good all over. ;2.一句恭维的话使你 遍体舒畅.

3.Not bad! ;3.还不错吗?

4.A:You did a great job. ;4.A:这件工件你做得很 出色.

B:Thanks.You did pretty well yourself ;B:谢谢你的夸奖, 你自己也蛮不错.

5.Good going! 6.Way to go! 7.That’s my boy! ;5.干得好! 6.要得! 7.这才是我的乖孩子!

8.I’m so proud of you. 9.You’re a great kid. 10.Wow,that’s amazing! ;8.我多么以你为荣. 9.你是个了不起的孩子. 10.哇,好惊人!

11.That’s super! ;11.太超越了! 远超常人!

12.You’re amazing. ;12.你真是不可思议.

13.A:You’re amazing. B:So I’ve been told ;13.A:你太惊人了! B:别人一向就是这样 对我说的.

14.This is wild! ;14.这是天纵英才, 几近于狂?

15.Hats off to you for getting a donation from that miser. ;15.你能从那小气鬼募到 钱真不简单,我佩服你.

16.You are some piece of work! 17.You’re a born charmer. ;16.你实在是一件不可 多得的艺术杰作! 17.你天生讨人喜欢.

18.He’s one in a million. 19.You’re to be blessed. ;18.他是难得的人物. 19.像你这样的人一定 会蒙神祝福.

20.You deserve a medal 21.You deserve laud and honor. ;20.你配得一个奖章. 21.你理应接受公开表扬.

22.He will be a hard act to follow. ;22.很难超越他杰出的 表演.






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