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时间:2024-07-20 13:48:53 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:大众英语上 Gateway to English ;Lesson Ten Words and Expressions about/’baut/adv.大约 ;airsickness /’esikns/n.晕飞机 armchair/’a:mte/...

大众英语上 Gateway to English ;

Lesson Ten Words and Expressions about/’baut/adv.大约 ;

airsickness /’esikns/n.晕飞机 armchair/’a:mte/ n.扶手椅 ;

awake/’weik/ adj. 醒着的 bad/bd/ adj.不好的,坏的 ;

behind /bi’haind/ prep.在.....后面 bike/baik/n.自行车 book /buk/n.书 ;

cold/kuld/n.感冒 corner/’k:n/n.角落 dictionary /’diknri/ n.词典 ;

everything/’evrii/ pron.每件事 friend/frend/n.朋友 ;

headache /’hedeik/ n.头痛 hundred /’hndrid/ num.百 ;

hungry/’hgri/ adj.饥饿 keep/ki:p/vt.保持 ;

keep someone from. . . 使某人不...... know /nu/vt.知道 learn/l:n/vt.学习 ;

lose /lu:z/vt.丢掉 make/meik/vt.使..... map /mp/ n. 地图 now /nau/ adv. 现在 ;

picture /’pikt/n.图 pill /pil/ n.药片 plane /plein/n.飞机 round/raund/ adj.圆的 ;

same /seim/ adj.同样的 seasickness /’si:siknis/n.晕船 shelf /elf/n.层、搁扳 ;

bookshelves 书架 ship/ip/ n.船 show /u/ vt.给....看 ;

sick/sik/ adj.病的,不舒服的 sleepy/’sl:pi/adj.困倦 so/su/adv.如此 ;

table/’teibl/n.桌子 telephone /’telifun/ n.电话 ;

transistor radio /trn’sist

’reidju/ n.半导体收音机 ;

walkman /’w:kmn/ n.随身听 wall /w:1/ n.墙 ;

want /wnt/vt.要、 想要 weight /weit/n.体重 ;

Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;

-Do you have a dic- tionary? -Yes,I do. ;

-Does your friend David have one? -No,he doesn’t. ;

-Show me your dic- tionary,please. -Here it is. ;

-Do you have a bike? -Yes,I do. ;

-Does your friend David have one? -No,he doesn’t. ;

-Show me your bike, please. -Here it is. ;

Drill 2 -Is there a computer in your office? -Yes,there is. ;

-Where is it? -It’s in the corner. ;

-Is there an armchair in your office? Yes,there is. ;

Where is it? It’s behind the desk. ;

Drill 3 -Are there any pic- tures on the wall? -Yes, there are. ;

-How many pictures are there on the wall ? -Two. ;

-Are there any chairs in the room? -Yes, there are. ;

-How many chairs are there on the wall ? -three. ;

Text Pills ;

Dan:There are pills for everything now, aren’t there? ;

Bill:Almost everything There are pills for colds and pills for headaches. ;

Dan:There are pills for seasickness and pills for airsickness. ;

Bill:Those are the same,aren’t they? ;

Being sick on a ship is like being sick on a plane,isn’t it? ;

Dan:I suppose so. There are pills to make you sleepy. ;

Bill:And there are pills to keep you awake. ;

Dan:But they’re bad for your health,aren’t they? Bill:That’s right. ;

Dan:There is a pill to make you hungry,isn’t there? ;

Bill:I don’t know. But there are pills to keep you from being hungry. ;

They’re for people who want to lose weight. ;

Dan:There’s a pill for almost everything, isn’t there? ;

Bill:But there aren’t any pills to help us learn languages, are there? ;

Lesson Eleven Words and Expressions ;

account /’kaunt/ n.账目 bank account银行账目 ;

afternoon/ft’nu:m/ n. 下午餐 anyhow /’ enihau/ adv. 不管怎样 ;

anything/’enii/ pron.任何事情 as /z/ conj. 如同 ;

banana/b’na:n/ n.香蕉 basket/’ba:skit/ n.篮子 ;

before /bi’f:/ prep.& adv.以前 ;

begin /bi’gin/ vt.& vi 开始 best/best/adj.最好的 bread /bred/ n.面包 ;

breakfast/’brekfst/ n.早餐 cheap /ti:p/ adj.便宜的 ;

coffee/’kfi/ n.咖啡 cousin /’kzn/ n.堂兄弟(姐妹),表兄弟 (姐妹) ;

cup /kp/n.杯子 diet/dait/ n.特种饮 食,规定的饮食 ;

be on a diet(为减肥或 其他的目的)吃特种饮食 dinner/’din/ n. 正餐 eat /i:t/vt.吃 ;

egg/eg/n.鸡蛋 English/’igli/ n.英语 even/’i:vn/adv.甚至 ;

evening /’i:vni/ n.傍晚 exercise /’ekssaiz/ n.锻炼 ;

film /film/ n. 电影 flask /fla:sk/ n.水瓶 heart /ha:t/ n. 心脏 less /les/adj.少一些 ;

look /luk/ vi.看起来,看上去 lose /luz/vt.失去 lunch /lnt/n.午餐 ;

meeting /’mi:ti/ n. 会议 neighbor /’neib/ n. (美拼法)邻居 ;

neighbour(英拼法) never/’nev/ adv.永不 notice/’nutis/ vt.注意到 ;

program / ’prugrm/ n.(美拼法)节目 programme 英拼法 ;

protein/’pruti:n/ n. 蛋白质 seem /si:m/ vi.看来 steak /steik/ n. 牛排 ;

talk/t:k/ vi. 谈论 tea /ti:/ n. 茶 time/taim/ n. 时间 tin /tin/ n.铁罐 ;

tomorrow/t’mru/ n.明天 video/vidju/n.录像 water /’w:t/n.水 ;

way/wei/n.方法,途径 ;

Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;

-Is there any water in this flask? -No,there isn’t. ;

-Is there any water in that flask? -Yes,there’s some. ;

-Is there any coffee in this cup? -No,there isn’t. ;

-Is there any coffee in that cup? -Yes,there’s some. ;

Drill 2 -There’s a film this evening,isn’t there? -Yes,there is. ;

-What time does it begin? -At seven . ;

-There’s a talk in English this afternoon isn’t there? -Yes,there is. ;

-What time does it begin? -At two. ;

Text The Best Way to Lose Weight ;

Ann:Everyone seems to be on a diet. Have you noticed that? ;

Carl:Everyone seems to be talking about diets anyhow. ;

Ann: A neighbor of mine is on a banana diet. ;

She eats a banana for breakfast, a banana for lunch, and two bananas for dinner. ;

Carl:That’s bad for the health! Has she lost any weight? ;

Ann:No, she hasn’t. She looks about the same as before. ;

Carl: A friend of mine eats eggs for break- fast,lunch, and dinner ;

He never eats anything but eggs. Ann:That’s bad for the heart! ;

Eggs have a lot of protein and protein is good for losing weight. ;

But too many eggs are bad for the heart. ;

Carl: I’ve read that, too. But eggs are cheaper than steak. ;

A cousin of mine doesn’t eat anything but steak.He even eats steak for breakfast. ;

Ann:That’s bad for the bank account. ;

The best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. ;

Lesson Twelve Words and Expressions ;

actor/’kt/ n.演员 actress 女演员 ;

advertisement /d’v:tismnt/ n.广告 ;

ago/’gu/adv.以前 amazement /’meizmnt/ n.惊奇 ;

another/’n/ adj. 又一个 answer/’a:ns/ n.回答 ;

anymore /’enim:/ adv.(用于否定句中)不再 April/’eiprl/ n.四月 ask /a:sk/vt.问 ;

August /’:gst/ n.八月 autumn/’:tm/n.秋天 bored /b:d/adj. 厌烦 ;

building/’bildi/ n.建筑物,楼房 can /kan, kn/v.能,会 ;

change /teid/ vt.改变 company/’kmpni/ n. 公司 ;

cut /kt/vt.剪 daily /’deili/ adv. 每天 day /dei/n.日 ;

December / di’semb/ n.十二月 each /i:t/ pron.各个 face/feis/n.脸,面部 ;

February /’februri/ n. 二月 first /f:st/num.第一 ;

following/’flui/ adj.下面的 free /fri:/ adj.不收费 ;

Friday /’fraidi/ n. 星期五 hair /he/ n.头发 ;

handsome /’hnsm/ adj.漂亮的,好看的 husband/’hsbnd/ n.丈夫 ;

interested/’intristid/ adj. 有兴趣 January/’dnjuri/ n.一月 ;

July/’du:lai/ n.七月 June /du:m/n. 六月 life/laif/n.生活,生命 复数lives ;

long /l/ adj.长的 March /ma:t/n.三月 married /’mrid/ adj.已婚 ;

May /mei/ n. 五月 Monday/’mndi/ n.星期一 month /mn/ n.月 ;

November /n’vemb/ n.十一月 October /k’tub/ n.十月 ;

oh/u/ interj.噢(表示惊奇) pay /pei/ vt. & vi. 付钱 ;

pick /pik/ vt.& vi.捡,拾 pick up 捡起 play /plei/n.剧 ;

pleased /pli:zd/ adj.高兴 pour/p:/vt.倒 put /put/vt.放 ;

put down 放下 read /ri:d/vt.& vi.读 reply /ri’plai/vi.回答 ;

restaurant /’restra:/n.饭馆 Saturday / ’stdi/ n.星期六 ;

say /sei/vt.说 season /’si:zn/ n.季 September/sep’temb/ n.九月 ;

short /:t/adj.短的 smile /smail/ vi.微笑 speak /spi:k/vi.说话 street /stri:t/n.街道 ;

suddenly/’sdnli/ adv.突然 take /teik/ vt.拿 ;

take another taste 又尝了一口 taste/teist/n.尝,味道 ;

Thursday / ’:sdi/ n.星期四 today /t’dei/n.今天 turn/t:n/vi.变 ;

Tuesday/’tju:zdi/ n.星期二 use/ju:z/vt.用,使用 ;

visitor/’vizit/ n.来访者 Wednesday/’wenzdi/ n.星期三 ;

wife/waif/n.妻子 wonderful/’wndful/ adj.妙极了,好极了 year/ji/n.年 ;

Pattern Drills Drill 1 ;

-Are there any visitors in the room? -Yes,there are. ;

-How many? -Four. ;

-Are there any chairs in the room? -Yes,there are. ;

-How many? -Three. ;

Drill 2 -How many seasons are there in a year? -There are four. ;

-What are they? -They are spring. summer ,autumn and winter. ;

-How many months are there in a year? -There are twelve. ;

-What are they? -They are January, February,March,April, May,June,July,August, ;

September,October, November and December. ;

-How many days are there in a week? -There are seven. -What are they? ;

-They are Sunday, Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ;

Text A Television Advertisement ;

Television in the United States is free. To pay for programs, ;

there are many adver- tisements. ;

Often these advertise- ments are short plays with actors. ;

The following televi- sion advertisement is like many others that Americans see daily. ;

We see a man and his wife at the breakfast table. ;

They have been married for a long time. They are not speaking to each other. ;

They haven’t spoken to each other at the breakfast table for years. ;

The husband is reading his newspaper. We can’t see his face. ;

The wife looks very bored as she pours a cup of coffee for him. ;

Today, she is using a new kind of coffee for the first time. ;

The husband picks up his cup. He isn’t very interested. He tastes his coffee. ;

Suddenly he puts down his newspaper. Something is different Can it be the coffee? ;

He takes another taste It’s wonderful. He smiles. He looks at his wife and says, ;

in amazement, "Doris, when did you cut your hair?" Doris is pleased. ;

She answers, "Two months ago." ;

Doris asks, "Herbie, when did your hair begin to turn white?" ;

He replies, "A long time ago." Doris says, "Oh,very handsome. ;

" Now they aren’t bored anymore. ;

Breakfast is different Has a new kind of coffee changed their lives? ;






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