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时间:2024-07-20 12:40:03 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:



7月8日,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席 习 近平给中国国家博物馆的老专家回信,在国博创建110周年之际,向国博全体同志致以热烈祝贺和诚挚问候。

习 近 平总书记在回信中说,我曾多次到国家博物馆参观,留下了深刻印象。得知国博在收藏、研究、展示、对外交流等方面取得了新的进步,我感到很欣慰。

习 近 平总书记强调,博物馆是保护和传承人类文明的重要场所,文博工作者使命光荣、责任重大。希望同志们坚持正确政治方向,坚定文化自信,深化学术研究,创新展览展示,推动文物活化利用,推进文明交流互鉴,守护好、传承好、展示好中华文明优秀成果,为发展文博事业、为建设社会主义文化强国不断作出新贡献。

党的十八大以来,习 近 平总书记在多地考察调研期间,走进博物馆,了解历史文化遗产保护工作。


孔庙(Temple of Confucius)

孔庙(Temple of Confucius)坐落于山东省曲阜市南门内,是纪念我国伟大思想家、教育家孔子的祠庙建筑(temple building) ,也是一组具有东方风格的大型建筑群。由于孔子创立的儒家思想(Confucianism)对于维护社会统治安定所起到的重要作用,孔庙便被古代帝王所器重。在古代经常举办祭孔典礼。或者是由皇帝自己,或者是由皇帝委任的高级官员。祭孔的规模和祭天- -样宏大。由此,孔子在历史上的重要地位便可见一斑。


Located inside the south gate of Qufu, Shandong, the Temple of Confucius is a large complex of temple buildings in oriental style in memory of Confucius, China’s great thinker and educator. The importance of Confucianism created by Confucius in maintaining the social ruling stability made

ancient emperors put a high value on the Temple of Confucius. In ancient times sacrifices were often offered to Confucius, either by Emperors themselves, or by emperor-appointed high officials. The scale of offering sacrifices to Confucius was as grand as that given to the Heaven. This gives us an idea of the importance of Confucius in history.


1.孔庙坐落于山东省曲阜市南门内,是纪念我国伟大思想家、教育家孔子的祠庙建筑,也是一组具有东方风格的大型建筑群该句由三个小分句组成。第一个分句可译为located引导的地点状语从句 ,其中“坐落”可译为located,表示 “处于,位于”。

2.由于孔子创立的儒家思想对于维护社会统治安定所起到的重要作用,孔庙便被古代帝王所器重该句可以用the importance of.做主语。其中"维护社会统治安定"可译为maintain social ruling stability,“器重” 可译为put a high value on。同义词组还有attach great importance to。

西湖(the West Lake)

杭州最著名的景点是西湖(the West Lake)。西湖是人造湖泊,是根据中国人喜爱的休闲式的花园风格公园而建造的。十个世纪以来,西湖一直被中国的文人墨客(men of letters)视为精神家园。宋代诗人苏轼把西湖比作中国古代最美丽的女人西子。中国古代人民将西湖周围的区域誉为神奇美丽的土地。在现代,西湖被视为杭州的骄傲,被人们当作躲开城市喧器(the hustle and bustle)的好地方。


The most famous attr action in Hangzhou is the West Lake. West Lake is man-made and created after Chinese people’s love for recreational garden style parks. For ten centuries, it has always been regarded as the spiritual home by Chinese men of letters. Su Shia poet in the Song Dynasty, compared West Lake to Xi Zi ,the most beautiful woman in ancient China. Ancient Chinese people praised the area around West Lake as a miraculous and beautiful land in modern times, Westlake is taken as the pride of Hangzhou, and a perfect spot to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.


1.西湖是人造湖泊,是根据中国人喜爱的休闲式的花因风格公园而建造的:”人造” 可用man-made表示。

2.十个世纪以来,西湖- -直被中国的文人墨客视为精神家园:“文人墨客"是个极具中国特色的词汇,翻译为men of letters.

3.中国古代人民将西湖周围的区域誉为神奇美丽的土地:“神奇美丽的土地”可用miraculous and beautiful land表示。其中miraculous意为"神奇的"。

太极拳(Tai Chi)

太极拳(Tai Chi)是一系列缓慢的动作,旨在修炼身心。它就像是一种舞蹈,却不需要你随音乐起舞,而是需要你向内看聆听内心的节奏.它创自数千年前,原本是一-种武术(martial art)一-种自卫的技艺。然而,它的武术方面如今不太流行了。目前全世界成千上万人练习它,主要是由于它对于人类健康的神奇作用。它将身体动作与平静、冥想的(meditative)心理状态结合起来,所以也被称作“冥想运动(meditation in motion)”.


Tai Chi is a series of slow movements which are aimed at training us physically and mentally. It is just like a dance that requires you to look inside and dance to the internal rhythms instead of music. It was created thousands of years ago as a martial art and specifically as a defensive art.However,

nowadays its martial aspect is not that popular. It is practiced by thousands ofpeople around the world mostly because of its miraculous effects on human’s health. It is often called" meditation in motion “because it combines the body’s movements with the calm and meditative state of mind.


1.修炼身心:可译为train us physically and mentally或者译为train the body and mind此处译文的us为补译的内容,为的是使英语句子结构完整.

2.随音乐起舞应译为dance to the music,其中dance to是一种固定表达方式,表示“随着..起舞”之意。

3.-种自卫的技艺应译为a defensive art.这里的”技艺”指”手脚灵巧,有技能”, 所以不能翻译成technique.

4.它对于人类健康的神奇作用:翻译为its miraculous effects on human’s health,其中要注意与effects搭配使用的介词为on。

5.将结合起来对应的英文表达为combine… with...

家庭暴力(domestic violence)

家庭暴力(domestic violence)指的是在亲密关系(intimate relationship)中一方对另一方的虐待。通常来说,受害者是儿童和妇女。在中国古代,人们认为男人有权利惩罚他的孩子和妻子。广义上讲,家庭暴力不局限于明显的身体暴力,它也有许多其他的形式。关于家庭暴力产生的原因,出现了许多不同的理论,比如犯罪者的性格和心理特征。外部因素也有影响,比如犯罪者所处的环境。然而,没有一-种理论能涵盖所有情况。


Domestic violence refers to the abuse by one partner against another in an intimate relationship. Commonly the victims are children and women. In ancient China, people believe that a man has the right to punish his children and wife. In a broad ense, domestic violence is not limited to obvious physical violence. There are many other forms of violence. Many different theories are brought up as to the causes of domestic violence, such as the perpetrators ‘personality and mental characteristics .External factors also play a part, such as the perpetrators’ surroundings. However, no theory seems to cover all cases.


1家庭暴力指的是在亲密关系中一方对另一方的虐待“家庭暴力”可译为domestic violence;“亲密关系”可翻译为intimate relationship;“虐待”可翻译为abuse.

2.有权利惩罚:可翻译为have the right to punish.

3.身体暴力:可翻译physical violence.

4.外部因素:可翻译为external factors.

汉语热Mandarin craze



Chinese language craze refers to the phenomenon that a growing number of foreigners start to learn Chinese. The number of Chinese learners increases rapidly in many countries. According to statistics, more than 3000 institutions of higher education in 109 countries are offering courses on Chinese language. A survey indicates that they learn Chinese for the main purpose of travelling in China, engaging in trade activities and knowing China and the Chinese culture. The underlying reasons for this craze lie in the rapid development of China’ s economy, which enhances the international status and the influence of China. This global Chinese language craze conveys a message that people around the world are eager to know the Chinese culture.



普及: popularize

汉语热: Chinese language craze/fever; Mandarin craze

越来越多: a growing number of; more and more

据统计: according to statistics/figures

开设汉语课程: offer courses on Chinese language/Mandarin

显示: indicate/show

从事: engage in / deal with

贸易活动: trade activity

背后的原因: underlying reason; reason behind

国际地位: international status

传达: convey / deliver







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