妈妈,别哭,我去了天堂, 随着地动山摇的一声巨响, 我看见你跌坐在嘈杂的操场, 撕心裂肺的呼喊还在我的耳旁。 Mother, please don’t cry, I went to paradise With the tremendous sound of the shaking of the ground I saw you sink down on the chaotic playground In my ears the grieved shouts still resound. 妈妈,别哭,我去了天堂, 漫天的星星可都是你的泪光, 黑夜里我不是孤独的流浪, 同学们手牵手嘶哑地歌唱。 Mother, please don’t cry, I went to paradise The stars filling the sky are all your tears I am not wandering lonely in darkness Hand in hand classmates sing themselves hoarse. 妈妈,别哭,我去了天堂, 老师说那边再没有鸟语花香, 所以我恋恋不舍回头张望, 绿水青山却是一片苍凉。 Mother, please don’t cry, I went to paradise The teacher said the twittering of birds and the fragrance of flowers was not there again Thus I am reluctant to part with the scene and keep looking back, So desolate are the blue hills and green streams. 妈妈,别哭,我去了天堂, 只是我舍不下曾经的梦想, 帮我把漂亮的书包好好收藏, 我听见废墟里姐姐的书声朗朗。 Mother, please don’t cry, I went to paradise Just couldn’t bear to part from my dream which I have dreamed of Please help me tidy away my beautiful schoolbag I hear the elder sisters read aloud in the ruins 妈妈,别哭,我去了天堂, 可惜我等不及看到绿色的军装, 我还想写完老师布置的作业, 留恋着黑板、书本和课堂。 Mother, please don’t cry, I went to paradise Alas, I can’t wait to see green uniforms I still want to finish my homework assigned by the teacher And miss the blackboard, the book and the class 妈妈,别哭,我去了天堂, 不再淘气也不愿让你心伤, 我会牢牢记住你微笑的模样, 来世还要依偎你温暖的胸膛。 Mother, please don’t cry, I went to paradise I neither naughty nor break your heart again. I will bear in mind your smiling appearance. In the afterlife I still want to nestle up to your warm breast. 妈妈,别哭,我去了天堂, 有灯光 生活总就有希望, 睁开眼睛我要看你活得坚强, 你的爱永远把我的路照亮 Mother, please don’t cry, I went to paradise Where there is the lamplight, there is hope for life When I open my eyes, I want to see you live toughly Your love lightens my path forever
☆诗歌欣赏☆ 妈妈,别哭,我去了天堂
时间:2024-07-19 23:51:47 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:
【导读】:妈妈,别哭,我去了天堂, 随着地动山摇的一声巨响, 我看见你跌坐在嘈杂的操场, 撕心裂肺的呼喊还在我的耳旁。 Mother, please don’t cry, I went to paradise With the trem...