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首页 教育 双语诗歌欣赏:我记得那美妙的一瞬


时间:2024-07-19 22:40:12 来源:网络 作者:mrcsb 人气:


《致凯恩》写于1825年。1819年,普希金20岁时,第一次在彼得堡艺术学院院长奥列宁的家中见到凯恩,那时她才19岁,却已成了一位52岁的将军的妻子。希金在彼得堡和她相识。1824年8月,普希金在宪警的押送下被发配到原籍米哈伊洛夫斯克村,陪伴他的只有年老的奶娘。1825年夏天,凯恩凑巧在诗人家乡与诗人见面,凯恩是来与米哈依洛夫斯克村毗邻的三山村中一位亲戚家做客的。普希金与凯恩一起散步、交谈,度过了几天美好的时光。凯恩离开三山村的这一天,普希金送了《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》的第二章给她,其中就夹了这首诗,署的日期是“一八二五年七月十九日”。 凯恩后来在回忆当时的情景时写道:“他清早赶来,作为送别,他给我带来了一册《奥涅金》的第1章,在没裁开的诗页间我发现了一张折成四层的信纸,上面写有 ‘我记得那美妙的一瞬’等等,等等。当我准备把这个诗的礼物放进盒子里时,他久久地看着我,然后猛然把诗夺了过去,不想还给我。我苦苦哀求,才又得到它,当时他的脑子里想的是什么,我不知道。”诗人在意外的欢欣之中写下了这首被誉为“爱情诗卓绝的典范”的作品。

I remembered that is wonderful as soon as flickers:

Appeared you in mine front,

Some like appears briefly fantasy,

Has like the chaste America’s angel.

In that hopeless sad suffering,

Makes noise in that in ostentatious life puzzle,

Nearby my ear for a long time is making a sound your gentlesound,

I also see your lovable beautiful figure in the sleep.

Many years have passed by, storm smile

Has scattered the former days dream,

Thereupon I have put behind your gentle sound,

Also has your that angel resembles the beautiful figure.

In the remote place, in the gloomy life which imprisons,

My day such calmly dissipates,

The insincere person, does not have the poem the inspiration,

Without the tear, does not have the life, also does not havethe love.

Now the mind starts to regain consciousness:

By now has reappeared in front of me you,

Has illusory image which like appears briefly,

Has like the chaste America’s angel.

My heart in is wild with joy jumps,

In heart all reregain consciousness,

Had the sincere person, had the poem inspiration,

Had the life, had the tear, also had the love.






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